Errigal Contracts Newsletter 2016

Errigal: ‘Training is Our Future’

Our first two groups of 16 have now completed their training at our academy and we will continue to grow our training facility in 2017. Well done to all involved. There are currently 48 trainees on site in the UK and Ireland. We are well on our way to achieving our target of training 200 operatives by December 2018.

Errigal Training Academy.

‘A first for the Drywall Industry in the UK and Ireland’

In conjunction with South West College, Enniskillen we commenced our 2 year Drywall apprenticeship in October. We now have 34 apprentices in full time employment while they complete their training with Errigal Contracts. In 2017, a further 64 will start their apprenticeship. “This apprenticeship is particularly attractive for prospective students because of the partnership wi th Err igal Cont racts. Er ri gal i s a l ocal company with a global reach, and apprentices can expect to work on major projects across a wide range of locations.” - Ciaran McManus , South West College, Enniskillen.

Group Two Apprentices who started on 11th November.

Cormac McCloskey and Damien Treanor - Directors of Errigal Contracts pictured with Stephen Bowcott - CEO, John Sisk & Son at the launch of our apprenticeship program in October.

Apprentices in the classroom.

Apprentices in the training facility.

Group One apprentices at the launch of the course.

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