Brexit checklist




HS Codes

Value of goods

Origin of goods

The Harmonized System (HS code) is a numerical code consisting of 6 digits that classifies a product for tax, duty and any necessary restrictions. Classified goods enable customs authorities worldwide to identify the contents of your shipment. More than 200 countries use the system which covers 98% of traded goods. Your goods can be classified on your country’s Government website. An online HS code search will also provide a code, just type in a detailed goods. Missing HS codes on the commercial invoice and other shipping documents, could delay the shipment and also risks incorrect duties and VAT being charged to the receiver.

The true value of a shipment i.e. market price of the goods, along with the currency must be stated. If the value appears unreasonable, customs authorities may ask request evidence proving the value you’ve declared on the invoice.

Where your products were originally manufactured may differ from the country of shipment and may be subject to special safeguards or anti-dumping duties. You must therefore confirm the origin of goods and also include all of the ingredients or components that make up the product. UK businesses can find out more about classifying their goods here.

Description of goods

Correctly detailing the type of goods and providing clear and accurate information on every shipping document will enable smooth shipments. For example, instead of listing ‘clothing’ try listing ‘children’s T-shirts 70% cotton, 30% polyester’. Avoid just listing company product codes to describe the goods. Try including brand name as well as the model number and description if the package contains branded items.

Other countries will have similar sites available.

We advise all customers to learn the correct classification, description and value of your goods.


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