Board Converting News, August 26, 2024

Thinkink Packaging Launches Biodegradable CBD Packaging

Scranton, Pennsylvania based Thinkink Packaging an- nounced the launch of its new line of biodegradable pack- aging specifically designed for the CBD market. Traditional packaging materials have long been a con- cern for environmental advocates as many are derived from non-renewable resources and contribute to pollution. Recognizing the need for a more sustainable solution, Thinkink Packaging said it has developed biodegradable packaging that meets the unique requirements of the CBD industry. These new packaging options are made from plant-based materials, ensuring that they break down nat- urally over time, reducing the environmental impact. “Our planet’s health is directly tied to the choices we make in business,” says Asim Dastgheer, CEO of Thinkink Packaging. “The packaging industry has a responsibility to innovate and provide solutions that lessen our carbon footprint. With our new biodegradable line, we aim to set a new standard in sustainable packaging for the CBD mar- ket, offering products that are not only eco-friendly but also maintain the quality and integrity of the products they encase.” Thinkink Packaging said it hopes to inspire other com- panies in the packaging sector to adopt more sustainable practices to help create a more eco-conscious industry.

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Adhesive Dispensing and Quality Assurance Solutions Valco Melton :+1 513 874 6550 |


August 26, 2024

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