Each of them unquestionably carries the pictorial heritage of his native culture, and develops it with his own unique style. The dream-like characters of Gao Xiang emerge from an open space that is reminiscent of Chinese traditional paintings. He voluntarily restricted his palette to a few colors that stretch the spectrum to its maximum. Desgrandchamps revisits the figurative genre UDWKHUWKDQSDLQWLQJODQGVFDSHVDQG¿JXUHVDQGEULQJVXVIDFHWR face with these phantoms. Both of them invent worlds and play with their similarity to our known existence. Beyond their shared artistic concerns, Desgrandchamps and Gao Xiang also share a VLJQL¿FDQWV\PEROLF¿JXUHWKHKRUVHFRPHVXSUHJXODUO\LQWKHLU paintings, playing the role of a mysterious messenger. This important exhibition allows us to understand in depth the respective practices of these two great artists, thus linking two major aesthetic traditions. Each of them emerges revitalized and relevant to the changing contemporary world.
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)URPWKH¿UVWSUHIDFHWR7KH3RHWU\RI,OOXVLRQV7KH'LDORJXH Exhibition of Marc Desgrandchamps and Gao Xiang" Paul Freches, Counselor for Culture, French Consulate in Shanghai September 2014
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