Gao Xiang | Interrogating Dreams

If in Gao Xiang's former works, we can sense detailed sections of real metaphor, sense some kind of entangled and uneasy sentiment, now these moods are fading away, and his recent works are more clear, more at ease. However, what has not changed is his focus on psychological-level revelation and representation, only to be more implicit. Gao’s works connected people not only with horses, but also with mountains and rivers, skies and stars. He seems to set us in a primitive state of life and nature, where people can jump out of the tight encirclement of culture and get EDFNWRWKHLULQQHUIHHOLQJV+HRIIHUVXVDZD\WR¿QGWKHVSLULWXDO power to transcend worldly merits and accomplishments, which allows us to find spiritual balance and a poetic home. Gao is also a dream extractor; he puts his perception of being between illusion and reality, and shuttles back and forth in the dream space with skill and ease. Dreams can imply freedom, but they also imply sentiment; they can represent lofty vision and glorious achievement. However, once the illusion of the glass layer that Gao has placed is broken, we are faced with a deep loneliness, which infuses Gao's work with a special and elegant sentimentality. From "Tiny Views: American Artist Raymond Saunders and Chinese Artist Gao Xiang" by Han Jinsong, deputy director of the Collections Department at the National Art Museum of China, 2012

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