Gao Xiang | Interrogating Dreams

Gao Xiang is an artist trained in China. He received his Ph.D. from China Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, but he focused his thesis on an Italian master, Giorgio Morandi. Travels and exhibitions overseas enabled him to experiment with foreign art and influences. Of course, studying oil painting in China did serve as a good introduction, but when Gao began creating art and turning his mind inwards, he opened a Chinese world. In his works we indeed see a dream of China. His heroes are Chinese men, women, and horses. The horses of his dreams look they came from the Han and Tang dynasties. Despite the facts that his pagodas and ceramic horses are eastern in style and UHÀHFWKLVFXOWXUDOLGHQWLW\*DR;LDQJ VIRUPDOODQJXDJHLVTXLWH international. Throughout his work we can feel tension, a modern tension, the tension between life and dream, between culture

and society, between the East and the West. On his canvases, he achieves remarkable pictures of harmony and benevolence.

From "Contemplating the Orient" by Peng Feng, professor of aesthetics at Peking University, 2009




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