Gao Xiang | Interrogating Dreams

and conceptions through symbolism.

Gao: Possibly! But I really do not know whether it is driven by my subconscious.

Zou: To which issues of gender did your intended expression relate when you were painting Who is the Doll ?

Zou: It is not subconscious if you know it.

Gao: What I was thinking about at that time is that I wanted to experience the psychological imbalance in the social positions of men and women from a fair-minded perspective. I was very happy in expressing this imbalance. However, some foreign viewers were not accustomed to it psychologically when my works were exhibited abroad, because they found these paintings very challenging.

Gao: However, I have a clear view on the artistic direction I would follow. I used to think that the horse was sometimes an extension of myself, but sometimes not. It seems to have a life outside of me. I am often that small figure in the image, which has different relationships to the horse depending on the image, VRPHWLPHVGHSHQGHQWDQGVRPHWLPHVFRQÀLFWLQJ Zou: I would say that the horse bears the great weight of your sensibilities, at least unconsciously. Love and dislike…but in general, you are dependent on it and admire it.

Zou: Does it have something to do with your own life experience?

Gao: More or less. For example, I feel that marriage is very different from when you were falling in love with somebody.

Gao: Quite true. I myself really intend to express my sensibilities




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