Gao Xiang | Interrogating Dreams


his/her large icon play with the other’s small one, or let his/her small icon be played with by the other’s large one; and one can let his/her large icon not play with the other’s large one, or let his/her small icon not be played with by the other’s small one; and one can let his/her large icon play with his/her own small one, or let his/her small icon be played with by his/her own large one. In the XQL¿HGZRUOGERWKPDQDQGZRPDQFDQEHFRPHWKHGROOVRIHDFK other, or not become the dolls of each other, or become their own dolls. In fact, there is no separate world that serves as the reality that can exist without the phenomenon, or a separate world that serves as the phenomenon that can exist without the reality. The dichotomy of phenomenon and reality itself is an illusion. The only true world is the oneness of the phenomenon and the reality. Thus, any DI¿UPDWLYHDQVZHUWRWKHTXHVWLRQRI³ZKRLVWKHGROO"´LVGRRPHG to be illusory. The only truth is that the question "who is the doll?" will remain unsettled.

Philosophically, there is a dichotomy between the phenomenon and the reality. The phenomenon is the world that can be seen and touched, while the reality is the one that cannot be seen and touched. Many philosophical issues stem from opposition of the two worlds. Gao's question of "who is the doll?" can also be understood as the result of this opposition. However, according to the principle of opposition between the phenomenon and the reality, we can only say that woman is the doll of man in the one world and man is the doll of woman in the other. The the question "who is the doll?" will never happen in either of these separate worlds and only happen in the meeting of them. Those who are living in either of these separate worlds will never have such a doubt. Only the painter who has to live at the boundary between the two worlds should encounter it. It is from this perspective that I would like to say that "who is the doll?" is a question for the painter. In the real world (the phenomenon), woman is the doll of man, and in the the surreal world (the reality), man is the doll of woman, but only in the painter’s world, which mediates between the phenomenon and the reality, the real and the surreal, can "who is the doll?" be an unsettled question.

One can see through many illusions, but the only truth is always hidden in the blind spot.

Peng Feng Professor of Aesthetics at Peking University From Weixiu Garden at Peking University in 2005

We can suppose that both man and woman have two different LFRQVRQHODUJHDQGRQHVPDOOLQWKHXQL¿HGZRUOG2QHFDQOHW




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