Gao Xiang | Interrogating Dreams

Gao Xiang uses rich greens and blues to give the horses he depicts spirit and grandeur. They are young stallions, galloping into the year of the horse in 2014. As a Chinese person, he truly understands the year of the horse. He brings everything from the present together into this one animal. The riders of these horses PDOHRUIHPDOH GDQFHZLWKWKHKRUVHVLQYDULRXVFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV Gao uses simple layers of fine brushstrokes to express the unstoppable movement of horses, as well as their wildness and XQHDVH7KHVHGUDPDWLF¿JXUHVFDUU\VWURQJDOOHJRULFDOPHVVDJHV In 2014, horses are sacred symbols of luck, and their attendants DUHLGROOLNH¿JXUHVWKDWOLYHDQGGLHZLWKWKHVHVSLULWXDOKRUVHV In contrast to Desgrandchamps, Gao has neither abstracted the figures nor segmented space. His almost realist brushstrokes create links between the figures and the horses. These links are related to the horse’s power, the attendant’s goals, and the incorruptible bond between attendant and horse. Although his images are dream-like, they show that modern people have the potential to break out of the sadness and isolation surrounding them.

सᵣ䯪ᔄ⮰倄㔀౔κЂ⩔≿㞟⮰䱾㨉㞞ᒕ喏ҫ侘ᬮម๷䍰喏 Ⴏ᭛䱾᭑ᎠЏ⮰侻侘喏䌔䔇  Ꭰ⮰͙఩ ۈ ࢲȠ䔅ᎠЩᘋᰵ 侘䍰ผসୢगผȠ҈͙ͦ఩Ϧ喏Ђᰬᛮᓃ侘ᎠȠЂᄲᑿ̷⮰ ᝬᰵΉΉᑾ̬Ƞ぀̷̹⻧侘㗸㔱喋ຟᕓᝂ⩣ᕓ喌喏Бๆ⻹༫ ᔭ㏰᜼̺侘⮰ ڝ 㝊Ƞ倄㔀Бガࢁ⮰ᅮᅮ぀⬁㶔䓪侘⮰䓼 ߔ ̺ ᬌछ䭧ᡍͷ߫喏㶔䓪 ڱ ᓯᲭᏒ⮰⟮䎭̺̹ႵȠჿᘻ࡭ܲ⌝ ݧ 喏 ᝬᠳᲭ ڣ ᜻ ޓ ᕓȠ侘౔  ᭛⺊౏⮰喏᭛Ꭴ䓼⮰䆍ᒭ喏侙㔱 ᰠ᭛̺⺊侘 ڝ ⩋rts⮰֢׻ᐻᒎ䆍Ƞ ̺侘 ٷ ̹स喏倄㔀Ꭲ⇍ᰵᄲ➕䆍៩䆍喏΋⇍ᰵᄲ⾦䬠ܳ ޞ 喏 Ђ⮰䓽ͺ ۅ ჊⮰぀∁喏݅᭛౔㏰㏳Ϧ̺侘ͷ䬠⮰᳼⻹ ڟ 㖀喏 䔅⻹ ڟ 㖀➡⊵侘⮰ ߇ߖ স侙㔱⮰Ⱊᴳ喏➡⊵Ϧ侘̹छ䷌㺲⮰ ڟ ㈧Ƞ㮩♢䗏᭛̬⻹㮆Ꭷ⮰ᘻද喏Ѳᯃ⹦ ܦ ᑿЏϦㆧఇะ⾭ ఠ⮰႐⠘̺ᕈᗛȠ

⃻͖Ϧ䘩छБᰵ㼏䄧倄㔀⮰᫥ᐻ喏Ѳ̬◥࢟Ђ㐄⩧⮰䶰㼬ᕓ সჿ㼬ᐻ᭛Ꮐ䄑̹ц㷗⪻ᔩ⮰Ƞ

छБ䄠侘 ᭛ٷ 㒺႒䃪䃍ጴ喏㔸倄㔀݅᭛̬ѹ᧱䪫κ䃞䔜㮆Ჰ ᩱη⮰䶰㼬ტȠ

Everyone has a unique way of interpreting Gao Xiang’s work, but we cannot overlook the allegories and prophecies in his paintings.

ᦄ㜖Ⴍ∎ጮ᪳㖀 ޛ ͧፙȟႭ∎ጮ㒺ᱛ亲亲䪫䴕 ݕ 䄆 ȧᎧ䆍ͷ䄃喝侘 ٷ eፉᵨ᱃ᅆ  倄㔀ᄥ䄉ᆁȨᎻ㼬θ  Ꭰ  ᰴ  ᬑ

Marc Desgrandchamps is an aesthetic designer, while Gao Xiang LVDSURSKHWRI¿FWLRQDOVWRULHV

From the second preface to "The Poetry of Illusions: The Dialogue Exhibition of Marc Desgrandchamps and Gao Xiang" Han Licheng, Vice Chairman of the Ningbo Federation of Literary and Arts Circles and Director of the Ningbo Museum of Art 18 September 2014



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