The Good News Story


Transporting students to and from Good News Christian School each day was a big focus in the early years. Initially, a school bus wasn’t high on our priority list, but while we were trying to invite families to consider joining our community, the common question was ‘Is there a school bus?’ This was tabled with our School Council at the time and the community began fundraising to purchase a passenger vehicle. After word had spread throughout the Lutheran community of our need, our prayers were answered. Mildura Lutheran School generously loaned us our original bus, which we later purchased. Managing the school bus operations was an ongoing challenge, particularly in terms of staffing the role of bus driver. Thankfully congregation and community members and even Pastor Milo and Principal Roger Schwarz stepped in to drive the bus. This ensured students travelled safely to school and back home again. The original school bus experienced frequent mechanical issues and mishaps, as documented in the school newsletter: “As one of the bus drivers and being a mother of four, our youngest daughter Jacinta, who was one year old, sat in her car seat at the front of the bus. Roger patiently awaited our arrival to commence class for the day! Roger taught me to drive the bus by driving around the school’s paddocks.” Robyn Menzel, past parent and volunteer bus driver

“The bus has had a meeting with a reversing car while parked in the street. Fortunately, the offender is a panel beater and is prepared to fix it.” December 1998 “On Friday, the bus was going again. But wait for it, there’s still more. After having done the morning run, the delightful vehicle lost first, second and reverse gear in the CAR PARK! It was sent back to be fixed.” September 1997 On weekends, the bus was taken offsite and strategically parked near display homes to promote Good News. “In the early days, our famous bus participated as a float in the local Werribee Weerama Festival for three consecutive years. With many families participating, the students enjoyed the festivities on rollerblades whilst handing out enrolment flyers,” recalls Lyn Schier, Foundation Associate, past parent and current staff member. “Ted, the bus driver, informs me that the replacement bus is ‘very nice’. He particularly enjoyed the air-conditioning on Tuesday,” noted Roger Schwarz in his Principal’s Report, March 2005.

Good News Catholic School bus...oops!



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