July 2021


“ Serving in

Congress is a huge honor and privilege, and I’msoaking it in every day. ” Congressman Pat Fallon

The Congressman took this energy and work ethic with him on the campaign trail and crushed every election he encountered. “I wanted to become the candidate that I wanted to vote for. I knocked on a thousand doors. I wrote thank-you notes, made connections, and called as many as I could

Congressman Fallon with Merlin, Patriot Paws trained service dog and team mate in the Congressman’s Rockwall office.

for follow-ups, and I won my first election without a runoff for Frisco City Council. After that term was up, I ran for the State House and served six years. Before each election, I was warned I might lose. But we have won, largely I believe, because we go directly to the people and ask questions and listen. There will be nay-sayers and people who say, ‘Don’t try it. It won’t work out. You might lose.’ But follow your gut!” Fallon enjoyed a successful run in the Senate for two years when a seat became open for Texas Fourth Congressional District. “President Trump had asked my dear friend John Ratcliffe to become the Director of National Intelligence. There wasn’t going to be a special election; it was a selection process where 154 people were going to be deciding, and I didn’t like that. I was worried whether the candidate who won the seat could defend it moving forward. I had proven that I could. I’ve never lost an election, and I’m somebody who has a proven, conservative voting record. I had a discussion with my wife and my sons, and after much prayer, I decided to run. On August 8, 2020, we got 82 of the 154 votes, and we became the nominee for the party. I say ‘we’ because it’s my wife holding down the home front and my team supporting me. We’re all in this together.” Already in his brief time in office, the Congressman led 13 House colleagues in pushing for a life-saving upgrade to High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV or “Humvees”). “What many people don’t know is that we have lost 150 military personnel domestically due to rollovers with Humvees. When

they’re on terrain that’s not nice and flat like I-30 highways, it can be dangerous. There is technology where they can retrofit all the existing 54,000 Humvees in our military. But there are manufacturers and other lobbyists in other districts who want to purchase 40,000 new Humvees instead that will already have this anti-rollover technology installed. But we can save the American taxpayer $12.9 billion by upgrading our current Humvees. A lot of that retrofitting will be done here at Red River Army Depot. When I took office, I promised I would try with every fiber of my being to get on the Armed Services Committee because of Red River Army Depot and what it means to this area.” In addition to the Armed Services Committee, Fallon currently serves on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Military Personnel Subcommittee, and the Cyber Subcommittee. “Serving in Congress is a huge honor and privilege, and I’m soaking it in every day,” said Congressman Fallon. “It’s real work. If you do it the right way, you’re going to work your tail off.” Fallon has instilled that same hard work and perseverance that he learned from Coach Holtz in his sons Thomas (14) and Mac (11). “I want my boys to have confidence in their abilities so they can live their lives to the fullest potential. I tell them what I tell any younger audience I speak to: ‘You’re going to fail in life. Not everything you want to have happened in your life will. But some of it will, provided you try. And don’t be discouraged by the first roadblock or obstacle. You have to learn to overcome. In the end, hard work, persistence and perseverance will pay off.”


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