CELEBRATING OUR RICH HERITAGE It all started with a swarm of bees...
In 1869, Amos Ives Root was inspired, Amos Ives Root was inspired to start a beekeeping business when a swarm of bees landed on the window of his jewelry store. That simple event created a company that has become synonymous with beekeeping, honey, pure beeswax, and the highest quality candles.
His name became synonymous with beekeeping, honey, pure beeswax, and the highest quality candles. 1869
Amos Ives Root (1839 - 1923) founded the A.I. Root Company.
1904 A.I. witnessed Orville and Wilbur Wright’s first flight and wrote about it in his magazine. His article is the first recorded flight of the Wright Brothers and is currently on display in the Smithsonian.
A.I. Root manufactured
beekeeping equipment, that for the first time
1891 A.I. Root became a life long friend of Helen Keller when in 1891 , he received a letter of thanks for his kindness and contributi- on towards the education of blind and deaf children.
Root History .................................................. 2-3 Legacy Formats ............................................. 4-5 Spring Legacy Collection ............................. 6-7 Summer Legacy Collection ......................... 8-9 Year-Round Legacy Fragrances .............. 10-11 Seeking Balance® ....................................... 12-19 Seeking Balance® NEW Benefit ............... 14-15 Seeking Balance® Benefit Descriptions ........18 Seeking Balance Display Programs ..............19 Dinner Candles .........................................20-27 Collenettes ................................................. 22-25 Aristas™ ........................................................... 26 Dipped Tapers ................................................ 27 Pillar Candles ............................................ 28-29 Unscented .................................................. 30-31 Candle Holders ...............................................32 Candle Accessories ........................................ 33 Sample Planograms ........................................33 Color Sequences ........................................34-35
During the peak of our beekeeping supplies business, we shipped four freight train car loads of beekeeping equipment per day!
1879 A.I. Root published The ABC & XYZ of Bee Culture. Currently in it’s 41st edition, it is often referred to as “The Beekeeper’s Bible.”
allowed the honey to be harvested without damaging the colony.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s A.I. drove an electric car powered by a windmill on the top of his garage.
Our all natural beeswax blend produces a more superior, cleaner burning candle than any other on the market.
1970 Root started adding color and fragrance to their candles in response to the Woodstock Generation.
Each Root Candle continues to be handcrafted to ensure the highest quality finish.
Root Candles introduced the method of rolling the wax to prevent the candle from bending during the warmer
1928 Under the guidance of Huber Root, the Root Company turned to candle making at the request of a local priest looking for higher quality candles for his church. Today, Root is the largest supplier of liturgical candles to the Catholic Church in the U.S.
Root began manufacturing its own custom cotton wicks to ensure each candle burns flawlessly.
1920 Root Honey became known
summer months.
as the finest table grade honey on the market.
Now led by the family’s fifth generation, the Root family continues to extol the virtues of honesty, integrity, and diligent craftsmanship, all qualities exemplified by founding father and American original, Amos Ives Root.
© 2025 The A. I. Root Company
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