
fr om the editor


Publisher/Editor Erin Shipps

omething about winter makes me appreciate all that I have. We spend the summer being active, going on va- cation, getting outside, running from one activity to the next. We spend fall re-grouping, cleaning up the yard, dressing up for Halloween, preparing the house, and holding on to any nice weather while dreading the coming cold months. But winter—after months of running, doing, prepping—is a time to reconnect. Holidays make it easy to reconnect with family and friends. But it’s also a good season to renew imme- diate family connections. We tend to hunker down, hide from the cold, seal up the windows in our 1940s house, and pile up under the blankets until March. We overuse the crock pot, relish in comfort food, drink hot chocolate and simply enjoy Warm Appreciation S being together without a schedule full of things to do. Other parts of the world don’t have the dramatic weather changes that we do, and perhaps that’s why I love living in the middle of the map—it’s as if life should be this way. After all, if we were constantly on the go, out in the summer sun, we might miss the movie marathons, the board games, the plethora of homemade meals that are a product of the weather being unbearably cold. We might miss looking around and appreciating what we have in the quiet, stillness of winter. Luckily, this issue is full of ways to keep warm. Our Etsy finds are all cozy; the annual gift guide features gifts to warm the hearts of those you love; the Jefferson House Bed & Breakfast in our vintage spaces section is the perfect place to snuggle up to those you love, and a beau- tifully appointed home; the fashion section features vintage jackets and coats so you can step out in style when you do need to brave the elements; and we’re featuring a pie crust recipe to bake up some love this holiday season! But we’ve also got loads of DIY to keep you busy while you’re stuck indoors. Build a new café table from scrap, or a terrarium out of an old light fixture, decorate your home with versatile snowflake ideas, or makeover your home office. Of course we’ve also got expert advice from Michael and James on what to do with that box of old photos you found, and Jen Bertrand helps us reign it all in with advice on taming the crazy world of vintage.

Fashion Director/Editorial Assistant Calli Green

C ontributors Dustin Bates Jennifer Bertrand Michael Fry James Fry Kirsten Hudson Jamie Kaczmarczyk

Audrey Kuether Abbie Marshall Kristen Shuler Heather Scanlon Deborah Vogler Quinn White

P hotography Tiffany N. Cody, Smash Glam William and Jill DiMartino Il lustration Glenn Shipps

VintageKC volume 3, issue 3 is published quarterly by Vintage Media, LLC, in Kansas city, mo. Copyright 2014, Vintage media, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in whole without written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Printed in the U.S.A.

I do hope when you snuggle up this winter we’ll be on your mind and in your hands, inspiring and encourag- ing you. You’re always on our minds and we wish you the very best this holiday season. When I reflect on what I appreciate this season, you’re pretty high up on the list. After family, friends and gluten free pizza, you’re right up there... I’ll see you when the land thaws.

Fol low us! VKC





Gather ‘round this winter at the Jefferson House Bed & Breakfast. Photo by William and Jill DiMartino On the C over



VintageKC / Winter 2014 4

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