2025 Root Church Goods Catalog WEB Optimized

SANCTUARY LIGHTS The use of Sanctuary Lights can be traced to the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament, when a light was always burning within the Temple to honor God. The use of Sanctuary Lights in Roman Catholic churches dates to the 12th Century – and shines permanently to indicate to all who visit, that Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. Orthodox, Episcopalian and Lutheran Churches also honor the Real Presence of the Lord with a burning Sanctuary Light.


Pronounced Renew-A-Light, this system consists of glass globes that remain in your candle stand and renewable plastic inserts. Safe, clean burning and economical! This innovative Devotional Light design, provides the security of a glass globe with the convenience, economy and lighter weight of a plastic light. When the light has finished burning, simply remove the plastic insert and replace it with a new one. Colored glass globes are used with clear plastic inserts, or you can choose clear globes with colored plastic inserts. It is easy to coordinate the lights with the liturgical calendar, colors associated with a saint or a nationality, or just to match the church’s décor. Designed for maximum performance when burned in Renuelite Globes.

Part # Description

Approx. Size

Pack Price 12 $157.51 12 $61.15 9 $187.57 9 $96.10 24 $102.95

1C 2C

9”(h) x 3.1” (d) 9”(h) x 3.1” (d)

8 Day Rubrical (glass) Ivory wax

8 Day Mineral (glass) White wax

4C 14 Day Rubrical (plastic) Ivory wax 8C 14 Day Mineral (plastic) White wax

12.7”(h) x 3.3” (d) 12.7”(h) x 3.3” (d) 9.3”(h) x 2.9” (d)


7-8 Day Perpetualite (plastic)

Rubrical Lights contain Beeswax and other natural waxes conforming to Canon Law.

6-7 Day Globe Round Bottom




Part # Description

Pack Price

Glass Globes Sanctuary lights perform best when encased in a glass globe. This offers protection from drafts, fans and air-conditioning and also insulates the light in winter. Sanctuary Globes are traditionally red or clear, but we offer other colors as well.

10 " x 4 5 / 8 " OD Flare 3 11 / 16 " OD Base, Round Bottom Amber 10 " x 4 5 / 8 " OD Flare 3 11 / 16 " OD Base, Round Bottom Blue 10 " x 4 5 / 8 " OD Flare 3 11 / 16 " OD Base, Round Bottom Clear 10 " x 4 5 / 8 " OD Flare 3 11 / 16 " OD Base, Round Bottom Green 10 " x 4 5 / 8 " OD Flare 3 11 / 16 " OD Base, Round Bottom Marian Blue 10 " x 4 5 / 8 " OD Flare 3 11 / 16 " OD Base, Round Bottom Opal 10 " x 4 5 / 8 " OD Flare 3 11 / 16 " OD Base, Round Bottom Purple


1 $60.45

1 $60.45



1 $60.45

Part # Description

Pack Price

26EC Tapered 14 Day Globe Clear 26ER Tapered 14 Day Globe Ruby 10DA Tapered 7-8 Day Amber 10DAR Tapered 7-8 Day Ruby 10DB Tapered 7-8 Day Blue 10DC Tapered 7-8 Day Clear

1 $70.29 1 $70.29 1 $60.45 1 $60.45 1 $60.45 1 $60.45


1 $60.45



1 $60.45

Fewer natural resources and energy are used when plastic is manufactured, compared to glass.


1 $60.45



(A) Amber

(B) Blue

(R) Ruby

(C) Clear


1 $60.45

Light-weight plastic reduces freight costs.

6-7 Day Globe with cross

(AM) Amber

(BL) Blue

(GR) Green

(PU) Purple

(MA) Marian Blue

(CR) Clear

(0P) Opal

Buy Renuelite ™ plastic inserts - Root’s most economical devotional light.

Part # Description

Pack Price

10 " x 4 5 / 8 " OD Flare 3 7 / 16 " w/ cross • Blue 10 " x 4 5 / 8 " OD Flare 3 7 / 16 " w/ cross • Ruby


1 $60.45

Globe Stand

“To this day, whenever I walk into a church aglow with candlelight and smell candles burning, I’m transported back to my childhood, standing next to my Mother or Dad, watch- ing them light candles and whispering prayers for those we loved.” – Mary from Washington, DC

1 $60.45


Part # Description Pack Price 2DA 7-8 Day Globe Stand 1 $108.35

(BL) Blue

(RU) Ruby



800.289.7668, option 6


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