Beeswax candles are used for mass for a very important reason—they symbolize Christ. THEOLOGY OF A CANDLE
CANDLE CARE Suggestions for burning Root’s hand-crafted beeswax candles.
THE FLAME represents Christ as the Light of the World.
Following these suggestions will ensure best burning perfor- mance on beeswax candles and will eliminate many of the common problems associated with burning candles under church conditions. Root burners (Followers) save wax and extend burning time on Root Candles. Air currents in average church conditions make Candle Burners necessary for all beeswax candles to prevent candles from overflowing. Root Beeswax Candles properly fitted with Root Burners will save wax and ensure maximum burning time. In placing the burner on the candle, press tightly against the tip and then twist around so it will seal snugly against the can- dle. Remove burners while still warm or reheat in hot water. SEVERE DRAFT CONDITIONS A badly flickering flame indicates a severe draft condition. Forced draft heaters, ventilators and air conditioners all tend to increase air movement. If the source of the draft cannot be reduced or eliminated use Root #13B DRAFT PROOF Burners (see page 39). These burners are especially designed for heavy draft conditions and will reduce dripping. When extinguishing candles in drafty conditions allow more time (approximately 10 seconds) for the extinguishing bell to remain over the candle. This will help prevent after-glow and make relighting easier.
CARE IN RE-LIGHTING CANDLES When relighting a candle, the wick should not be disturbed and particular care used not to break the charred wick. The broken piece, if allowed to fall into the cup, may become attached to the candle wick by capillary attraction. This will then make a very large flame and cause the candle to run over. This extra debris in the candle cup may create a secondary ignition source. Also make sure the wax taper used in lighting the candle is not dragged across the tip of the candle so that it will break the wick or allow some of the taper to fall in the cup of the candle. This extra debris in the candle cup may create a secondary ignition source. CARE IN EXTINGUISHING A FLAME Never blow a candle out. This can cause the wick to after- glow, leaving a short wick stub which is very difficult to relight. A bell type snuffer held over the flame for 10 seconds is best. Do not disturb the wick, or relighting may be difficult. Keep the snuffer bell clear of wax. TILTING OF COMPACT BURNER We recommend using the #9B Compact Burners (see page 38) on the 1½” and larger candles, to expose the most candle, and to settle properly in short burning periods. If tilting occurs this can be corrected at the time the candle is extinguished while the wax is soft.
THE WICK symbolizes Christ’s divinity which is hidden by His humanity (symbolized by the wax).
As the candle burns, it gets smaller and smaller, in a sense, it sacrifices itself, symbolizing how Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross of our salvation. THE WAX of the candle symbolizes Christ’s humanity which hides His divinity (symbolized by the wick). The wax itself is made by female worker bees who never mate (virgins) and further symbolizes Christ’s perfect purity.
PROPER BURNERS Make sure to select a follower/burner size that correctly fits the candle diameter. Root Burners give maximum satisfaction on Root Candles. Some imitation burners will not function properly. High pressure extrusion makes Root candles the toughest on the market. This process, together with properly fitted Root Burners gives a truly superior candle burning experience. We recommend Root Compact Burner #9B for short 1-½”, 1-¾”, 2”, 2-½” diameters to expose the maxi- mum candle length. These burners sometimes require slight straightening at the time candles are extinguished for best appearance. SHORT BURNING PERIOD (45 minutes) Any of the Root Burners including 1-½” diameter will function well for short burning periods. The exception is the 1-½” burner in a heavy draft condition. In general the smaller sizes need little time to heat up. The larger sizes require a longer burning period. For over 1-½” diameter candles burned for short periods, use Root Compact Burner #9B. Allow an hour or more burning time to permit the burner to settle properly. CARE OF BURNERS Before placing burners on the candles all wax must be removed from the burner, preferably by dipping in hot water and wiping clean.
Properly fitted burners give a safer, superior candle burning experience.
Follower too large for candle will tilt and become unsealed
Follower is the same
size as candle diameter and is properly sealed
Follower too small for candle will bind to candle and not follow down
Special thanks to Rev. Gerald C. Saguto FSSP.
800.289.7668, option 6
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