King's Business - 1969-09

have written and preached that God alone leads men into the min­ istry without any assistance from anyone or any other means. State­ ments like these are made: “ It is not the duty o f any Christian to recruit candidates for the min­ istry” ; “ Programs o f any type o f recruitment for the ministry smell of unbelief” ; “ God alone will recruit the minister and we should trust Him to do so.” Is it God’s will that there should exist such a shortage o f His servants? Never in history have we needed so many faithful ministers! I f God uses men to speak to people, both saved and unsaved, about the claims and teachings of Christ, why would He refuse to use men to guide others to His ministry ? I f men are used to nur­ ture children and youth into Christian maturity, why must si­ lence be imposed when the talk comes to the subject o f the min­ istry? Without discounting the fact that the call proceeds from God or interfering with the work of the Holy Spirit, the entire process of enlistment, recruitment, and challenge to the ministry can be rethought. Every Christian young person, traveling through the educational program o f a local church, is a candidate for “ the ministry.” He must learn to discern and fully discover the “ gifts o f the minis­ try” that have been given by God to the church (I Cor. 2:14, chap­ ter 12 and Eph. 4 ). With a clear understanding o f his own talents and resources, and a sound con­ frontation with his desire to serve and witness to the world, the Christian must face his use o f these gifts. Perhaps this is part o f the inner call that all must feel. God does and will convince through prayer but He speaks through the consistent presenta­ tion and preaching o f His claim upon every person to face the ministry. He speaks through the countless experiences o f classes, camps and service to others. Thought seeds may be planted via multiple and diverse means

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