King's Business - 1969-09

vocational emphasis month with­ in the church to call! He will use the personal life and example of the minister to call! He will use service projects and youth in­ volvement as the motivating fac­ tor. Within this direction from the church, our youth must never proceed ahead o f the calling and appointment o f God. An invitation through the mail calls us to an event. An invitation from God calls us to a lasting event, a lifetime o f ministry. Cal­ vin described it in this way, “ The honest testimony o f our heart that we accept the office offered to us not from ambition or avarice or for any unlawful motive, but from a sincere fear o f God and an ardent zeal for the edification o f the church” (Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. IV, 3, 11 ) . In yet different words reflect­ ing our times, but speaking o f the same call, Robert J. St. Clair in his book. “N eu r o t i c s in the Church, says, “ Our students ought not to be invited to the ministry, they should be recruited. Not coddled, but trained. Not chatted at, but indoctrinated in funda­ mentals. Not talked at but worked with. Not entertained by a visit­ ing, brilliant speaker but thrown for a while into some dying ex­ cuse for a church in the basin of the city.” This is a call not to ease or comfort, wealth or pres­ tige but an appointment to serv­ ice, as Paul said in I Timothy 1 :12. This is a life gripped by God and the recruitment, enlist­ ment or guiding force is a respon­ sibility that God has shared with His people and His church. Isaiah prayed, “ Here am I Lord, send me.” America needs thousands o f ministers, now ! And there are thousands who could be praying as Isaiah prayed, praying because for the first time in their lives they heard God speak. Can you in your church help them to pray this prayer? Or will you let them? Mr. Wright is Area Representative for Gospel Light Publications and is Assis­ tant Professor of Religious Education at Talbot Theological Seminary. THE KING'S BUSINESS

and who is to say that God does not and will not speak in this fashion. In place o f a half-heart­ ed, infrequent word from the pul­ pit such as, “ How nice it would be if some young person from our church would become a mission­ ary,” we need boldness in our presentation o f God’s high call­ ing. Many a m i n i s t e r has p r e a ch e d , “ Don’t go into the ministry i f you can do something else.” “ The ministry is so hard and trying. Please be sure that it’s for you” ; “ Consider another vocation and then, if you are sure that God wants you, come.” Every youth should be fully exposed to the ministry and to their own responsibility to discover i f this is where God would have them. Consider, first o f all, the ministry and give it a thorough look. Then and only then, if God is not call­ ing you, consider another voca­ tion. In lieu o f saying, “ Don’t go into the ministry, i f you can help it,” we should be saying, “ Don’t consider anything else unless first you have sought God’s call for His service.” Then we assist the young peo­ ple by an examination o f the gifts or talents that God has given to them. Does he have the necessary intellectual gifts, the gift or po­ tential o f leadership and guid­ ance? Does he have the love for people and the church and the beginnings o f spiritual discern­ ment that are necessary? The extremes of the human computer system with too much emphasis upon human initiative without the voice o f God being involved must be avoided. In like fashion m u s t the “ Voice from Heaven” experience be kept in balance, for God does call through His Word and through our com­ munication with Him in prayer. God will call through the talents and gifts that have been placed in one’s safekeeping, through the influence o f o t h e r p e r s o n s , through the church speaking and through a personal experience in the presence o f God.


AFRICA INLAND MISSION Six hundred missionaries serving. Fields occupied: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo, Central African Republic. Deputation speakers available. Literature and list of slide-tapes and films will be sent on request. AIR MAIL FROM GOD MISSION, INC. Founded 1949 by Nylos Huffman Active in Mexico, Central America & Brazil • Dropping Scripture portions from air­ planes • Free Bible Correspondence Courses • Gospel films shown by evangelists • Follow up Bible study groups We care. In these mechanized days, our personal solicitude envelops not only our missionaries on the field, but our contribu­ tors here at home, many of whom have been our prayer-partners throughout the 46 years of our existence. To find out how you may share in this Christian joy, send for a free sample copy of our magazine, THE EURO­ PEAN HARVEST FIELD. Write to: AMERICAN-EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIP, Inc. 15 Philipse Place, Yonkers, N.Y., 10701 In U.S.A.: Coaststo-Coast Broadcasts; In Greece: Publishing House, Printshop, Book­ stores, Missionaries, Bible Institute, Orphan­ ages, Camps; Clothing, Food, Medical Dis­ tributions; Paid Gospel Messages in Greek Newspapers and Magazines. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 801 Broad Ave., Ridgefield, N J . 07657 A Brightening Beacon In Dark Times Teaching The Unchanging Word through rural Sunday School organization since 1817 — today wilh urban work added! Write for a copy of 'TH E SUNDAY SCHOOL. MISSION­ ARY" to: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 4205 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90029 AMERICAN MISSION TO GREEKS, Inc. Spiros Zodhiates, President ANDES EVANGELICAL MISSION (formerly Bolivian Indian Mission) — Opportunities Unlimited— Dynam ic Evangelical Program . . . Evangelism — Theological Educa­ tion . . . Youth Program s — Medical M inistry — Literature . . . 508 Central Ave., Plainfield, N.J. 07060 ARCTIC MISSIONS, INC. Pioneering person-to-person evangelism in Alaska since 1961. Reaches Alaska for Christ through 70 missionaries in 20 centers—Bible conferences, Gospel team evangelism, camps and vacation Bible schools, a Christian High School and a native Bible Institute. 16 mm. sound color film available on offering basis. For details and literature write: Rev. John M. Gillespie, General Director P.O. Box 512, Gresham, Oregon 97030 BIBLE CHRISTIAN UNION Over 100 missionaries serving in Western Europe. Others serving in North America among Jews, children and French Cana­ dians. Member mission I.F.M.A. WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND MAGAZINE. Opportunities for service at home and abroad. 1101 E. 35th St., Brooklyn, New York 11210 Address 253 Henry Street Brooklyn, New York 11201

God will use the preaching o f the pastor to call. He will use the


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