King's Business - 1969-09

Biblical Research Monthly

denomination, worship is held in Unity Centers throughout the country at the same time other church services are conducted. Unity and the Bible Charles Fillmore called Genesis “ interesting, if not accurate,” and in his book Mysteries o f Genesisr states: “ The whole Genesis rec­ ord is an allegory explaining just what takes place in the mind o f each individual in his unfoldment from the idea to the manifest” (P- 13). Unity’s interpretation is wholly allegorical and metaphysical. The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary takes the names o f p e r s o n s , events and places and purports to explain their “ inner meaning.” An example is the way in which the Christmas story details are handled: “What do the shepherds sym­ bolize? The watchful, protective, guarding thoughts o f those who are trying to learn truth. What does the angel represent and why was a multitude o f the heavenly host with it? Angels represent thoughts and this angel o f the Lord is a thought o f great power, divine goodness and love” (W eek­ ly Unity, 12-20-53). In his Tivelve Powers of Man, (p. 16) Fillmore reaches the heights o f absurdity: the twelve disciples b e c om e parts o f the body. Peter is faith or center of the brain; Andrew the loins or strength; James, pit o f the stom­ ach or discrimination; John, back o f the heart, love; Philip, root o f the tongue, power; Bartholomew, between the eyes, imagination; Thomas, front brain, understand­ ing; Matthew, center o f front brain, will; James, son o f Al- phaeus, navel, order; Simon the Canaanite, back head, medulla, zeal; Thaddeus, abdom ina l re­ gion, renunciation; Judas, life conserver. Throughout its teaching, Unity distorts the actual meaning o f the Word o f God and leads its follow­ ers into a dark intellectual and spiritual maze from which only

like no magazine you ever read!

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Canadian Sunday School Mission Directing Canadian youth heavenward since 1927 through camps, •daily vacation Bible schools, day school classes, home Bible clubs, Sunday schools, services, Bible memory con­ tests and correspondence courses, etc. W. G. L. McAllister, General Superintendent Head Office— Room A, 177 Lombard Ave. Winnipeg 2, Manitoba, Can. THE CENTRAL AMERICAN MISSION Founded by Dr. Scofield in 1890 Pray for the 700 CAM congregations and hundreds of national and missionary lead­ ers in “ our Samaria.” Help us present the best in radio, literature, and Spirit-led evangelism to educated youth and multitudes everywhere. P.O. Bo* 28005 Dallas, Texas 75228 T H I CHILDREN'S BIBLE MISSION, INC. P.O. Box 44, Lakeland, Florida 33802 CBM Workers in 9 states reach thousands of boys, girls and youth in schools. Bible Clubs and summer camps. Abundant oppor­ tunities for qualified workers. Write for informative literature, and inquire about our challenging sound-color film. "Win A Child and You Win A Life" C H R I S T ' S M I S S I O N , I N C . ' R e v . S t u a r t G a r v e r , Director & Editor 275 State St. Hackensack, N.J. 07602 Publishing for 85 years the Christian H erit­ age magazine to awaken Christians to their responsibilities to Roman Catholics and keeping them.abreast of developments by the hierarchy. Rehabilitating former priests — providing information and help to Roman Catholics and pastors. Write for free copy of magazine. NON-PROFIT. T H E CONVERS ION CEN TER A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to “ MARE AMER­ ICA CATHOLIC." Will you help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, give, write for soul-winning material. 18 W. Eagle Rd., Havertewn, PenneyIvanla To bring God's Word to a little known and neglected people. To plant indigenous churches on Pauline principles and train National workers. A complete program of diversified evangelism:- radio, colportage, children, prison work, open air, etc. W rite for free literature P.O. Drawer 8776, Orlando, Florida 32806 EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY ACTION Worldwide witnessing with tracts and music. Reaching students at home and' abroad. Please pray and help today. For Free sample tracts, write: REV. WILLIAM SWAAM RUSKIK, British Columbia, Canada EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. Rev. Frederick V. Dabold, D.D., Director

CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty Brueehert

For six months this column will fea­ ture excerpts from the writings of Dr. Louis T. Talbot on six major cults.

What’ s W rong with the Unity School of Christianityf I N 1903 A g rou p o f so-called Truth students (former Chris­ tian S c ie n t is t s and N ew Thought adherents) incorporat­ ed under the name o f Unity School o f Practical Christianity. The name originated in 1891 when Charles F i l lm o r e , the founder, was meeting with a group “ in the silence” (his def­ inition o f prayer). Suddenly he startled everyone with the excla­ mation: “ Unity! That’s the name o f our work!” Charles Fillmore and his wife Myrtle had been Christian Science teachers. The terms and teachings o f Mrs. Eddy are incorporated into Unity, with additional particular heresies o f their own, such as reincarnation. Starting from a small class in Kansas City, this cult has grown to a huge complex at Lees Sum­ mit, Mo. which claims to produce 50 million pieces o f literature an­ nually, including six magazines. Although stating that it is not a


Now serving in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Argentina. Send for literature and in­ formation. 78 W. Hudson Ave., Englewood, N.J. 07631 132 High Park Ave., Toronto 9, Ontario Member of IFMA



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