King's Business - 1969-09

OUT OF SESSION Cont. from page SI Next Month: GEORGE BEVERLY SHEA records his 34th album and JOYCE LANDORF bridges the generation gap with her new release. All of these fine albums that I’ve introduced you to should be available at a Christian book/record store near you or they may be specially ordered through the record company. By the way, many leading companies such as PAUL MICHELSON’S Supreme are now offering their sacred music on tape cartridges and cassettes. Cart­ ridges have been on the market some time now, but I might add that the cassette sales are growing stronger each month. Dealers are not certain as to which is the best unit in which to invest as there is still much pro and con about both. Most people seem to be watching cassettes especially because of their size. Just within the past few weeks some new cassette car playback stereo units have hit the market, but most buyers are still cautious. I’ll keep you posted from month to month as I’m in the market too and not certain which way to go. Until next we meet either over the air or within the pages of The King’s Business . . . I Wish You . . . GOOD MUSIC. Mr. Gaydos is currently Director of News for BIOLA Radio, KBBI Los Angeles, and is Host for Studio 107, a daily three-hour sacred music pro­ gram. Bibles end Books RELIGIOUS BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD! Any book reviewed or advertised in KING'S BUSI­ NESS available from Kreael's Book Store, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Blblot Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's larg­ est Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaranteed. Norris Bookbinding Company, Box 305 -K, Green­ wood, Mississippi 38930. Help Wanted Mature Christian staff workers needed for large rescue mission. Board, room and compensation. Single or married. Write, P.O. Box 202, Seattle, Washington 98111. Miscellaneous Witness With Scripture Tracts. 100 assorted— 25 cents; 500 assorted— $1.00. Scripture Wit­ ness, 102 Sussex St., Newton, New Jersey 07860. Tract Users Know the results of your witness with our tracts. Don't be just a tract passer; join other dedicated Tract Evangelists who are following up tract converts with personal work. How? Write, Tract Evangelists, Box 1106, Glendale, Calif. 91209. D R . H A R L I N J . R O P E R ’ THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Chapter-by-Chapter Study of the WHOLE'-.BfBLE For Sunday Schools • Groups • Individuals — Write for FREE folder — ' THROUGH THE BIBLE PUBLISHERS 4032K Swiss Avenue • Dallas 4, Texas

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