King's Business - 1969-09

The Evangelical Alliance Mission has opened a new 50-bed hospital in Tai­ wan. It is located in the city of Taitung which is the center of the Amis tribal area. Unevangelized Fields Mission has an­ nounced the appointment of DR. ALDEN A. GANNETT as minister-at-large among the staff of the organization. His respon­ sibilities will include deputation minis­ try to the churches and schools in ad­ dition to conference and counseling min­ istries overseas. For the past nine years Dr. Gannett has served as president of the Southeastern Bible College, Blrming- ton, Ala. World Vision Magazine received two top honors at the annual convention of the Evangelical Press Association. It was chosen as "Periodical of the Year” and given first place as "Missions Periodical of the Year.” DR. JOHN WILLIAM SNYDER has been named president of Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. He is acting chancellor of Indiana University. DR. FRANK L. HIERONYMUS, Dean of the Faculty of Westmont College, has served as acting president since the resignation of DR. ROGER G. VOSKUYL in May of 1968. DR. DICK HILLIS, General Director of Overseas Crusades, Inc., has announced the addition of two staff members to the organization. DR. ERNEST R. JOHN­ SON will assist the staff and Dr. Hillis in a conference ministry. MR. DAVID H. HANUSH, a certified public accoun­ tant, will serve as assistant administra­ tive director. DEAN A. DALTON, Director of Gospel Light's Education and Information Divi­ sion in Glendale, California, has an­ nounced the appointment of the REV. WARREN S. BENSON as the new cen­ tral regional director for the organiza­ tion. Mr. Benson’s headquarters will be Chicago. He formerly served as Minis­ ter of Christian Education at the Win- netka Bible Church in Winnetka, Illinois and the First Covenant Church in Min­ neapolis. The National Sunday School Associa­ tion has scheduled a seminar for Chris­ tian education leaders in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 21-24. Registration will be limited to persons engaged in church education ministries, such as directors and professors of Christian education, camp executives, and publishers. The general theme will be "Implications for Church Education in the 70's.” R. PAUL R. JACKSON, National Repre­ sentative for the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, died on May 15th. He was a victim of generalized lymphosarcoma.

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Choose a child like one of these today.



Rev. Henry Harvey, President 7774 Irving Park Road, Chicago, llinois 60634, Dept. K99 YES! I want to answer the prayer of one of these needy little ones in □ Korea □ India □ Indonesia □ Haiti. I want to support a_________________ (boy or girl) about___________ years old. Enclosed is Q $12 for the first month Q $144 for first year. □ Unable to sponsor now, but here is $ for emergency child care.

Q Please send additional information without obligation. Name


Address. City____________________________________ ____ ___________State_____________________________Zip______________ Make checks payable to Compassion, Inc. an interdenominational, Gov. approved, non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible.



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