Vision 2024 06 05


athletic, strongest or fastest player, she is a force when it comes to understanding, executing and accomplishing a task. )FSNBJONPUJWBUJPOGPSKPJOJOHUIFDPN petition was simple, to do something for herself. -BWJPMFUUFSFUJSFEGSPNBZFBSDBSFFSBT BDIFFSMFBEFSXJUIUIF0UUBXB3FECMBDLTJO BOEXBTMPPLJOHGPSBOFXPQQPSUVOJUZ to challenge herself and use her natural leadership skills she attained during her UFOVSF XJUI 0UUBXBT $BOBEJBO 'PPUCBMM League (CFL) team. She did serve as leader of her team (Team 0SBOHF  “Being in this challenge is another step out of my comfort zone and discovering who I am as a person,” said Laviolette. “I really learned so much about myself, and it was so rewarding. I am a bold leader, and this challenge really helped me tap into different sides of myself.” Laviolette admitted she was not ready to see herself on television, and while she knew the outcome of the competition, she was still watching the show from a different lens as the show does offer plenty of action, twists and turns that keep the viewer entertained. 8IJMFTIFTBJEJUXBTIBSEUPCFBXBZ from family friends, especially coming from a big and loving Lebanese family, she found comfort in the new friendships she made while she was a participant on competition. “I conquered fears on the show, and I

tried things I never thought I would do,” she said. “There were some tough challenges, and I showcased skills that I know I have, and I am good at.” LEVÉE DU DRAPEAU DE LA FIERTÉ À C-R

“I have such a big personality, and I am yapper and I love to talk,” said Laviolette in an interview with The Vision, just a few days before season two of CBC’s The Ultimate Challenge aired. “I had to pretend I was away for a work trip. It was so hard not to divulge anything especially with the people who are closest to me.” The graduate of l’École secondaire DBUIPMJRVFM&TDBMFXBTPOFPGQFPQMF competing on the second season the original reality competition that transforms Canada into one, big obstacle course. Season two of the competition features UIFDPNQFUJUPSTEJWJEFEJOUPàWFUFBNT of four taking on challenges that put their physical and mental skills to the test. The show’s locations include St. John’s, /- -FT²MFTEFMB.BEFMFJOF 2VF 0UUBXB  0OU )BNJMUPO 0OU $BONPSF "MUB 3FWFMT toke, B.C., and Vancouver Island. &BDIFQJTPEFUBLFTQMBDFBUBEJGGFSFOU location that showcasing and displaying Canada’s beauty. “I had the chance to experience our country in a whole new way,” added Lavio  lette, whose parents are the owners of Laviolette Flowers and Décor in Rockland. i8FXFSFMVDLZUPIBWFBEBZJO0UUBXB BOE I had the chance to really see the city from BXIPMFEJGGFSFOUQFSTQFDUJWF0VSDPVOUSZ really is a beautiful place with so much to see.” 8IJMFTIFTBJETIFNBZOPUCFUIFNPTU

Jenny Laviolette, résidente de Rockland, a participé à la deuxième saison de Canada’s Ultimate Challenge, une compétition de téléréalité diffusée sur CBC qui transforme le Canada en une gigantesque course d’obstacles. (Photo fournie)


Les membres de la communauté et les dirigeants locaux ont célébré le début du mois de la fierté en hissant un drapeau de la fierté à l’hôtel de ville de Clarence-Rockland le samedi 1er juin. Au cours du mois de juin, les communautés 2SLGBTQI+ et leurs alliés se rassemblent pour mettre en lumière la résilience, célébrer le talent et reconnaître les contributions des communautés 2SLGBTQI+ lors de célébrations et d’événements organisés dans tout le pays. (Photo : Cité de Clarence-Rockland)

For Jenny Laviolette, competing in sea- son two of Canada’s Ultimate Challenge was the best experience of her entire life. And with the finale finally airing, the resident of Rockland can talk to family and friends who have been waiting on pins and needles to find what happens at the end of the second season.

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* Le montant de la ristourne individuelle provient des excédents de l’année financière 2023 et est déterminé, au Québec, sur décision de l’assemblée générale de chacune des caisses et, en Ontario, par le conseil d’administration de la Caisse Desjardins Ontario Credit Union inc. Pour plus de détails, consultez ou adressez-vous à votre caisse.

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