UK Parliament_Director of Customer Experience & Service Del…

Job Description

Job Title: Director of Customer Experience & Service Delivery Salary: Band SCS1a Team: Customer Experience & Service Delivery Contract Type/Duration: Permanent Responsibilities • Providing the strategic direction for the Customer Experience and Service Delivery team. Setting, communicating, and leading the delivery of the strategy for the team including a clear vision for the delivery of services. Developing and leading the team to build a strong customer service and delivery culture and putting in place appropriate management and governance structures. • Overseeing effective provision of a number of contracted services, ensuring effective contract management and commercial practices are in place across the Customer Experience and Service Delivery team. Coaching and developing colleagues in effective commercial management where appropriate. • Provide strong leadership that inspires others to implement operational plans, deliver objectives,

Catering Services House of Commons Catering Services operate across six buildings on the UK Parliament estate serving thousands of Members, Peers, staff, contractors and visitors to Parliament. Provision includes 24/7 vending options, café bars, cafeterias, full-service dining, meeting refreshments, and banqueting and events. Catering Services aim to deliver the best quality service with an enthusiastic and professional team for the benefit of all our customers and are responsible for the efficient operation of the House of Commons catering facilities within the agreed financial framework. Accommodation Accommodation refers to all space across the House of Commons estate - and includes its allocation, management, use and strategic direction. The team handles the customer relationship management of estate users - including Members, Member’s Staff, House staff, and third parties - as well as the allocation and decisions on space usage. Workplace Project Management Workplace Project Management is Customer Experience and Service Delivery’s project management service. The team represents CE&SD on building and workplace projects, and specialist moves across the Parliamentary Estate. The Workplace Project Management team works with colleagues in CE&SD, Strategic Estates and the Parliamentary Maintenance Services Team to matrix manage projects which involve moving people in and out of spaces across the estate and ensuring projects have successful soft landings. We are an integral part of major initiatives such as the Commons Building Infrastructure Portfolio (CBIP), the Restoration & Renewal Programme (R&R) and the General Election. Service Delivery The Service Delivery teams provide customers with a range of services including reception services, Meeting and Committee Room management and support. Monitoring of cleaning and monitoring of photocopiers. We are the Evacuation controllers for Parliamentary buildings and provide first aid support. We provide AV support in meeting rooms.

achieve standards of excellence and quality outcomes and ensure that customer needs are met. • To be a champion of the bicameral relationship with the House of Lords ensuring that the bicameral services offered by Customer Experience and Service Delivery covers the whole Parliamentary community and to work to embed a collaborative relationship with the Lords working as a single effective team delivering service to both houses. • To manage the overall Customer Experience and Services Delivery budget effectively, prioritising and focusing resources as necessary to meet Parliament’s needs and properly administer the funds allocated in accordance with the Parliament’s Financial Regulations. • Accountable for all statutory compliance matters linked to the operations of the team to ensure that Parliament adheres to all relevant health & safety and environmental legislation and that the Customer Experience and Service Delivery team implements working practices that minimise risk to staff, Members and visitors. To be responsible for providing assurance for compliance to monitoring Boards. • Manage the relationship with Members in relation to services provided by the team, ensuring that the strategy and operations of the team are achieving outcomes which meet the needs of Members and the Parliamentary community as a whole.

We escort visitors, as necessary, to ensure that they meet with their hosts and provide support for the business of the House. The Heritage cleaning team clean the Chamber, Committee Rooms and heritage areas of the Palace. The Service Delivery team aim to deliver a comfortable, safe, and efficient environment for Members, their staff, and staff of the House to work in; as well as providing a welcoming and functional environment for all visitors to the House of Commons. Retail The Retail team procures and sells a range of bespoke and curated retail products, from stationery to encaustic tiles. We operate three gift shops across the Parliamentary Estate and an online shop: • Jubilee Shop – located just off Westminster Hall (open to everyone – visitors, staff and Members) • House of Commons Shop – located near the Terrace Cafe (open to passholders and escorted guests only) • Houses of Parliament Shop – located on the corner of Bridge Street (open to everyone) • Online shop – open to everyone 24/7, 365 days a year! All retail products are inspired by the UK Parliament and/or the history and heritage of the Palace of Westminster. We source our products from the UK where possible and are continually reviewing our retail ranges to being you the best product mix, which changes seasonally. Customer Services The Customer Services team set customer service standards, work across teams to help them deliver those standards and continually monitor the operation to identify areas of improvement, including the Customer Satisfaction Survey. They manage some services for Members, passholders and the public such as the Switchboard, the Comments, Compliments and Complaints Feedback Scheme and the Portcullis House Hub. They may also coordinate, monitor and/or implement services for other teams when they are for the benefit of customers, for example, the dry-cleaning service and staff uniforms.

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