TCU Fall 2024 Enrollment Brochure

STARTS HERE Our educational programs offer the latest research and tools to help professionals — and entire organizations — think differently, embrace and manage growth, and advance in today’s most competitive industries. YOUR FUTURE IN BUSINESS

The role of the leader has never been more important. In an age of complexity and uncertainty, leaders at all levels can absolutely make a tremendous impact for their team, for their organization, and for their community. Our leadership programs help leaders at all levels - from emerging leaders to executives - navigate the complexities of leadership and organizations. COMMUNICATIONS & BRANDING PROGRAMS 6 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS 3 Communication is so important at every level of leadership, that we have built a series of Executive Communication programs to provide deeper insights and additional strategies, tools and approaches to a wide variety of leadership communication challenges and opportunities.


In today’s fast-paced and rapidly changing business world, every leader – and really, every employee – is responsible for managing the bottom line and driving success. To do that well, you have to clearly understand financial information, how it’s used for organizational decision making, and how it can enable your work and results.

Facing a tough challenge? We’ll collaborate with you to create a custom program that delivers results. We’ll work with your organization to build a program of any size from scratch or utilize our current program capabilities, tailoring these solutions to meet your needs.



Course was excellent! I loved how specific it was to make it relevant to me and my role. Everyone bringing an idea made such a difference to work through them.”






1 in-person day November 7, 2024 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Cost: $995*

In our ever-evolving business world, the pace of change continues to accelerate - making it even more difficult to keep pace with rapidly appearing opportunities and disruptions. To thrive in this environment, it's essential to reframe change as a mindset rather than a series of events. This compelling program will explore the key elements of a “change agility” mindset and the critical skills and approaches needed to enable you to anticipate, embrace and navigate a world of continuous transformation. Business leaders at all levels who want to improve their ability to thrive and lead through ambiguity & complexity and adapt to the ever-increasing pace of change. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHAT YOU WILL LEARN?  Reframe how you and your team think about change.  Learn critical focus points to bring people along and ensure change agility.  Explore the holistic impact of change in light of other business activities and organizational systems.  Identify “reasons to believe” and breakdown by segment to gain buy in and momentum across all stakeholders impacted by change.


6 live online sessions | Wednesdays September 11-October 16, 2024 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Cost: $1,895* EMERGING LEADERS

“The instructor was very engaging and did a good job bringing each of the attendees into the conversation to address their real-world experiences similar to the session topics.

The role of the leader has never been more important. In an age of complexity and uncertainty, leaders at all levels can make a tremendous impact on their teams, their organizations, and their communities. Accepting and navigating the challenges of leadership takes courage, creativity and a new range of capabilities focused on succeeding in a challenging and unpredictable landscape. * A 20 percent discount will be given to companies that enroll two or more employees. * A 30 percent discount will be given to TCU Alumni and TCU Faculty/Staff. * A 10 percent discount will be given to U.S. veterans and employees of non-profit organizations.



Soon-to-be, New-To-Role, and Early-in Career leaders and managers; Project leads and program managers.


Real-life leadership approaches, key leadership skills, and practical approaches you can put into practice immediately. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN?

 Reframe change as a concrete event vs agility as a constant flow  Explore why changes fail from vision to resistance to leadership and more  Learn the three levels of engagement to be agile  Discover how to determine if the organization can be agile enough take on the change  Discuss a variety of ways to “Get to the “Why” that will help bring those impacted through change

 Participate with ease in dynamic live sessions held virtually  Learn real-life approaches and tools that you can use as an emerging leader  Access premium TCU content  Engage with our MBA faculty and topic experts, rated No. 1 in the world by The Economist for three years in a row THE PROGRAM DIFFERENCE


 The Challenge of Leadership  Leading Across Generations  Leading for Results  Leading Adaptive Teams  Coaching & Developing Talent  Communicating with Emotional Agility




1 in-person day November 13, 2024 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Cost: $995*


 Key Ideation techniques that can be applied to a variety of business challenges from strategy development to process improvement and ideas for new products, services and business models.  How to use and share these techniques and why they are superior to traditional brainstorming. TOPICS  Apply the program concepts & framework to determine when and how to use a variety of individual and group ideation techniques while harnessing the power of AI.  Practice generating innovative solutions for a wide variety of organizational challenges – from strategy to new product concepts to new business ideas.  Apply more than a dozen ideation techniques on real world challenges.

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, creative thinking is not just a skill; it's an essential capability. Leaders are expected to demonstrate it at scale, and with the emergence of AI this has never been more accessible, or more disorienting! Whether you're an experienced business leader, launching a new business, or just beginning your career journey, leveraging AI to fuel your team’s creative thinking is essential for generating new ideas, solving complex problems, and driving meaningful change. Business leaders and professionals at all levels who want to improve their ability to thinking creativity, generate new ideas, and rapidly apply new thinking to a wide variety of business opportunities and challenges. WHO SHOULD ATTEND?

“Very hands on and engaging! Fantastic session with incredible new tools.





Practical storytelling tools and approaches that will help you develop:  A clear picture of your audience and what motivates them  A clear and powerful storyline to align your audience with your ideas  An understanding of your strengths and areas of improvement as a persuasive communicator  The ability to leverage the environment to reinforce your message, whether online or in person

Storytelling is a powerful tool for creating connections, communicating an inspiring idea, and creating a compelling vision of the future. Exceptional leaders use stories to convey deeper meaning, reinforce key priorities, and establish stronger engagement with co-workers, customers, and other key constituents. For every leader, the ability to convey a message clearly and effectively through stories can also be critical to solving organizational issues, persuading important stakeholders, or presenting a new idea to C-Suite leaders. A compelling story is memorable, relevant, deeply engaging, and well-told. Through powerful storytelling, leaders can gain buy-in, convey their key messages, and obtain support from key stakeholders while transforming organizations. * A 20 percent discount will be given to companies that enroll two or more employees. * A 30 percent discount will be given to TCU Alumni and TCU Faculty/Staff. * A 10 percent discount will be given to U.S. veterans and employees of non-profit organizations. 1 in-person session September 19, 2024 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Cost: $995* Certificates will be awarded based on successful completion of the 1-day training. IN-PERSON EXECUTIVE STORYTELLING


 Understand the science of storytelling and how it increases the emotional connection with your audience.  Lessen your dependency on the presentation medium and increase your connection with the audience.  Increase your understanding of your audience and how the environment plays into a presentation.  Workshop your idea with a cross-functional team and receive real-time feedback on your story and delivery.  Learn a realistic framework for rehearsals to apply to your (and your teams') upcoming presentations.  Take the reins on your professional development and craft stories that stick.


 Authenticity  Storytelling and Idea "Sell-In"  Influence & Persuasion  Presentation Approaches & Structure  Communication Style  Clarity & Focus for Message Development  Leadership Presence

I learned more in seven hours (tangible, valuable skills) than I have in some semester-long courses. The topic, pace, and materials exceeded my expectations . I would highly recommend to any leader as a great way to bring ideas to fruition through selling them to others.”


Business leaders at all levels who want to improve their ability to convey key messages, create deeper engagement, and inspire others through storytelling.






“It was a great two days of learning and insights, which were not included during my MBA program. I strongly recommend that every leader take this course to learn and develop the authenticity and empathy skills needed for positive influence in our world today.

2 in-person days October 17-18, 2024 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Cost: $1,895*


 The key components of executive presence.  Tools, techniques and approaches to improving your confidence, poise and executive presence.  Strategies to improve your verbal and non-verbal communication  Personalized approaches for confidence, poise and mental preparation.  Tools & tips for framing your own “executive perspective” to improve connection, impact and how you “show up” in important moments.  Multiple ideas and techniques for engaging stakeholders & audiences.  Deepen your understanding of your leadership style, values, & “purpose” to strengthen your ability to connect, influence and lead.  Explore the relationship between authenticity and executive presence to improve your ability to show up well under difficult circumstances, and expand your impact with key stakeholders inside and outside the organization. HOW WILL YOU BENEFIT?

Executive presence is the ability to inspire confidence in others, create powerful connections, and convey a compelling perspective. It’s underscored by authenticity, transparency, and a strong sense of purpose. Leaders are not defined nor empowered by their titles. They are defined by who they are, what they believe, and how they show up. Executive presence and the ability to convey a compelling vision are essential skills for today’s leaders. In this two-day offering, participants will discover approaches for deepening their self-awareness, improving their ability to project authenticity and stronger “leadership presence”, and being more purposeful in how they show up to better engage stakeholders, align teams around a new direction, and lead even more effectively in their organization. * A 20 percent discount will be given to companies that enroll two or more employees. * A 30 percent discount will be given to TCU Alumni and TCU Faculty/Staff. * A 10 percent discount will be given to U.S. veterans and employees of non-profit organizations. Includes all class materials, breakfast, lunch, and refreshments. Certificates will be awarded based on successful completion of the 2-day training.



Business leaders at all levels who want to improve their ability to establish genuine connections, strengthen their presence, and improve their ability to convey a compelling perspective and lead with purpose.





1 in-person day October 3, 2024 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

1 in-person day October 2, 2024 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

The future of work has really already arrived. The rise of AI and the dynamic shifts in organizations present both opportunities and challenges for leaders at all levels.It’s never been easy to be in the business of people, yet people are the fuel that powers most businesses, and today it seems it’s never been more difficult. In a world where 70% of Americans say they define their sense of purpose through their work, HR professionals and leaders at all levels are being asked more today than ever to “think like marketers” on the job. HR leaders have always been considered great communicators, but now the challenge has changed. HR must communicate with talent at scale, like marketers do with consumers. It all makes sense in theory, but how can we put this into practice? This course is designed to guide you in directing the classic principles of brand marketing strategy, using today’s tools, to build your company’s reputation as an employer of choice.

Successful business doesn’t happen by accident. To achieve something great in business is a deliberate and constant dance. One thing we know to be true: To be in business is to be in the business of people. And those people – your employees – are restlessly looking to define what working at your company means to them. They’re looking to define themselves through their work. To communicate the value of employment at your organization, look no further than the EVP (employee value proposition). The EVP is a tool used by strategic HR teams that organizes, creates alignment for, and inspires communications about, the many reasons employees benefit from working at a company. This course is designed to guide you in directing the classic principles of brand marketing strategy, and using today’s tools, to build your company’s reputation as an employer.



 Talent Acquisition  Talent Retention  Strategic Planning  Company Culture

 Talent Acquisition  Talent Retention  Company Culture

 Employee Engagement  Recruitment Marketing  Employer Branding  Employee Experience  Employee Journey  Internal Communications

 Employee Engagement  Employee Experience  Internal Communications

What surprised me the most about this program is the involvement of the professors with the students. I enjoyed knowing that every professor really cared about my success in this program.”

Cost: $1595* for 2-course bundle or $995* individually Includes all class materials, breakfast, lunch, and refreshments. Certificates will be awarded based on successful completion of the 2-day training.

* A 20 percent discount will be given to companies that enroll two or more employees. * A 30 percent discount will be given to TCU Alumni and TCU Faculty/Staff. * A 10 percent discount will be given to U.S. veterans and employees of non-profit organizations.



FINANCIAL ACUMEN “ The instructor did an incredible job of explaining financial vernacular in a non-intimidating teaching style. I wish I had taken this course sooner & will highly recommend it to my colleagues. Thank you!


2 in-person days September 25-26, 2024 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Cost: $1895* Includes all class materials, breakfast, lunch, and refreshments. Certificates will be awarded based on successful completion of the 2-day training.


 Gain greater confidence with a working knowledge of business financials.  Learn how to understand and interpret key financial statements.  Improve your understanding and insight into corporate performance, financial data, statements, and reporting.  Better understanding and use of financial data for your analysis, reports, and budgets.  Overview of Financial Accounting & Reporting  Key financial terms such as assets, liabilities, capital, depreciation, capitalization, current ratio & others  Basic Accounting Principles  Using the balance sheet to examine assets & liabilities  Analyzing the income statement to assess revenues and expenses  Understanding cash flow analysis, financing, and cost of capital TOPICS

* A 20 percent discount will be given to companies that enroll two or more employees. * A 30 percent discount will be given to TCU Alumni and TCU Faculty/Staff. * A 10 percent discount will be given to U.S. veterans and employees of non-profit organizations.

Business moves quickly and changes rapidly. Every employee manages the bottom line and drives success. To succeed, you must clearly understand financial information, how it’s used for organizational decision-making, and how it can enable your work and results.



Experienced managers and individual contributors in non-financial roles who want to better understand key financial concepts and information and leverage them for decision-making in their roles.


Participants will take away a better understanding of key concepts and terms and gain practical insights into how financial information is used for decision-making.




“ This education is completely invaluable , you pick up different things from the TCU team, also from your own team...and I think it’s going to be tremendously valuable going forward.

NICOLE LANG, Head of Inside Sales, Igus Inc Custom Programs Participant




A Custom Mini-MBA Certificate Program for Your Organization

From quickly customizing one of our dynamic and impactful current offerings to collaborating to create a unique new program tailored to your needs, TCU Neeley Executive Education is your trusted partner for programs designed to best fit your objectives, culture and challenges. Learn more about our collaborative design process, program delivery options, and testimonials from our partners.

A custom “mini-MBA” certificate program is a robust, comprehensive and immersive experience for your company’s leaders. Uniquely designed for you, it delivers a powerful combination of leading-edge strategies and new business essentials crafted for success in today’s dynamic business environment. At TCU Neeley Executive Education, we’ll work with you to design a custom program to provide skills, tools and strategies for leaders challenged with leading their teams and organizations in a world of continuous transformation.

Watch to learn more about Custom Mini-MBA Programs


Custom programs are designed to deliver results specific to your situation. Our collaborative process involves discovering, designing and delivering a program that fits your environment and helps you solve your toughest challenges.




Listening is key. We move forward when we understand your unique business challenges and objectives. We can also help companies assess their current situation.

It's go time. Prepare for immersive experiences that improve skills, change behavior and provide real-world results. Programs can be delivered in-person on TCU's campus, on-site at your facility or virtually.

This is where our innovative design team comes in. We'll tailor programs and services just for you, work with your team to incorporate tangible, real-life scenarios and ensure the content will provide the results you need.


CUSTOM PROGRAMS Very engaging and relevant. Really enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with my colleagues and work as a team!

Igus Motion Plastics: iLead@TCU Mini-MBA Custom Program

igus® motion plastics is a German manufacturer and distributor of technical products made of high-performance plastics, including plastic plain bearings, flexible cables, energy chains, connectors, robotic components, 3D-printed products and ball bearings. A truly innovative organization, igus has over 3500 employees, operates in 31 locations with 50 distributors represented in over 80 countries and has reached well over a billion dollars in sales in 2023. The TCU and igus relationship began in 1978 when now Chairman, Frank Blasé, began his MBA journey with the Neeley School of Business. Graduating in 1981, Frank later joined the Neeley Board of Advisors and in 2020, CEO of igus international, Artur Peplinski, reconnected with TCU Neeley Executive Education to partner in creating a Mini-MBA program for their high-potential employees.


Watch to learn more about the igus’ iLead program




“We saw that TCU was willing to align the content to be highly relevant for our employees, our leadership framework, bringing in examples and case studies that actually resonated with our learners.

RS Group: An Employer for Employees of the Future


RS Group, an omnichannel solutions provider for designers, builders, and maintainers of industrial equipment and operations, is committed to creating an authentic and sustainably diverse organization that seeks to embrace the very best talent. Crediting their people as the center of their business, their diverse and inclusive workforce is why this global business continues to move forward. Always encouraging their employees to bring their true selves to work each day, they celebrate the talents of their workforce by providing applicable and real-world continuing education opportunities through their internal Learning and Development department and recent partner, TCU Neeley Executive Education. Forming a partnership in 2022, RS Group and TCU Neeley Executive Education have worked together to create applicable and accessible learning opportunities through a series of RS Group hosted sessions and a fully custom leadership program. "We saw that TCU was willing to align the content to be highly relevant for our employees, our leadership framework, bringing in examples and case studies that actually resonated with our learners", said LaRissa O'Neal, Director of Talent and Org Capability for the Americas."The information really mattered and applied to the participants in this program." One of the most significant outcomes of this programming to date has been the internal network within RS group that has been created out of these learning opportunities. Often feeling siloed within their departments, the employees who have engaged in these programs now know they are not alone in their individual professional challenges and resources are accessible within the organization to help with roadblocks and challenges.


2900 Lubbock Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76109 817-257-6033 | NEELEY.TCU.EDU/EXECED


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