BIBLE STUDY Formula for a growing Sunday School
Outline helps and questions for personal and group study
Searching the Scriptures
by C hester J. P adgett
1 C orinthians (continued)
m f f l s p u i i a u f a v ^ H « L t u UwL m
1. How does Paul show the fool ishness of being men-followers? (3:5- 10 .) 2. Who is really the important one in salvation? (w . 5-10.) 3. What is the duty of the Chris tian servant? (v. 6.) 4. How is the unity of Christian service emphasized in verse 9? We see here that all in the service of the Lord are cooperating in the same work and should not be made the occasion of division by God’s people. 5. What figures does Paul use to indicate the' Church in verse 9? Think through some of the applica tions to the Church and to the indi vidual believer suggested by this figure. Two Kinds of M inistry and their Result 1. What is the foundation of this house or building of God? (3:10,11.) 2. What warning does Paul give to those who are in the business, with God, of building this house? (w . 10-23.) 3. What do you think is meant by the reference to “ gold, silver, precious stones” ? By the terms “wood, hay, stubble” ? (v. 12.) 4. What “day” is Paul referring to in verse 13? (Cf. 2 Cor. 5:10.) 5. How many servants of Christ will have their works on review? (w . 12,13.) 6. What will be the consequence of right building for God? (v. 14.) 7. What will be the consequence of improper building? (v. 15.) 8. Why is the Church such an im portant institution? (v. 16.) 9. What doom awaits the enemies of God and of His temple? (w . 17, 18.) 10. What then will be the attitude of the wise man toward the work of God? (w . 18-23.) Judgment not Committed to Men 1. What actually is the expected service of a preacher? (4:1.) 2. What should be the nature of his service? (v. 2.)
Interpreting the Word 1. Has God revealed something of the glories to come to the believer now? (2:9,10.) 2. What is the source of informa tion about these things? Is it intui tive? Does it come by some “ inner light” or is it given by the revelation of the very words of God? (v. 13.) 3. According to verses 11-13, who is the teacher of the Church? (Cf. John 14:26; 15:26; 2 Pet. 1:20,21.) 4. Who is the natural man of verse 14? (Cf. John 3:1-7; Eph. 1:15-22.) 5. What is this man’s attitude toward the Word of God? (v. 14.) 6. Is it possible for the natural man to understand the Word of God? (v. 14.) 7. What is the only means of rightly interpreting the - Word of God? (v. 14.) 8. How is the independent right of every believer to interpret the Word indicated in verse 15? The thought is that no natural man has the ability to accurately criticize the spiritual man. 9. How can it be said that the believer has “ the mind of Christ” ? (v. 16.) Carnality Prevents Spiritual Growth 1. What title does Paul give to the Corinthian believers? (3:1.) 2. What does this title mean? You will note that there are two types of “fleshly” people: 1) the unbeliever who is not bom again and who lives completely, in the sphere of the flesh (Rom. 8:1-13); 2) the believer who, although he is a child of God, still evidences certain marks of spiritual immaturity. These are “babes in Christ.” 3. What is the meaning of the terms “milk” and “meat” ? (v. 2; cf. Heb. 5:11-6:12.) 4. What were the indications of the “ carnality” of the Corinthian believ ers according to verses 3,4? Christian Service
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