King's Business - 1957-11

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BOOK REVIEWS continued

B. B. KIRKBRIDE BIBLE CO., INC. Dept. K-3411 K. of P. Bldg. Indianapolis, Indiana

□ Without cost or obligation to me, send a copy of the big illustrated book, "A New Bible for a New Day/' and full particulars concerning the Third improved Edition of your New Chain Reference Bible. *□ Send your special terms to Representatives. Name .............. ........................................................................................................ -...................................... -..... Address .............................................. -..................... -......-.................................................................................... City ............................................ ........................................... State ...... - ............................................

A T r ea su r y of S to r ie s, Illu stra tion s, Ep igram s, Quotations fo r m in isters and T ea ch ers By Herbert V. Prochnow

Among the many books of this kind that come out from time to time, this one offers a wider range of material than most. Many items are short,

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by Don Hillis When is

Sudanand Subhan, along with his wife and five children, lives in a crowded but clean one-room home. There are no carpets on the floor and no curtains at the one window. Mrs. Subhan has never seen a wood, gas or electric stove. Refrig­ erators, washing machines, vac­ uum cleaners, deep freezers and garbage disposals are completely unknown to her. She does the fam­ ily laundry herself and carries the household water from a distant river. Her hu s band , Sudanand, has never seen a television set, never lived in a home with electric lights and never owned a radio, bicycle or car. Not one of the seven members of the family has ever read the headlines of a newspaper, written a letter or memorized the multipli­ cation tables. In fact none of them have ever had the privilege of at­ tending a school at all. This family has never seen the inside of a church, never sung from a hymn book, never held a Bible in their hands, never heard the gos­ pel preached, n e v e r be en in a prayer meeting and never partaken of the Communion elements. They have bathed in sacred rivers, offered sacrifices to sightless images, prayed to gods who could not hear, shed the blood of goats before large saffron colored stones and given sacrificially of their meager income to idolatrous and unclean priests. Sudanand Subhan and his fahi- ily afe typical of vast millions in


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