King's Business - 1957-11

[ SACRED PIANO SOLOS "There's a Wideness to God's Mercy" Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Suitable for radio performances.' Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 17, Calif. THE LITTLE GIANT HOTOMATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 "Blessed Be the Fountain" "Safe in the Arms of Jesus"

Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20® rise in temperature. Inexpensive, too. Write for free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas

with a strong padlock and feel con­ fident that the lock would keep his possessions safely. Then too if a man should be locked in a prison with a strong lock, he would be fearful, thinking that there would be no pos­ sibility of his getting the door opened and being set free. This lock reminds me of an experi­ ence in the life of Jehoiachin, one of Judah’s wicked kings. Of him it was said, “And he did that which was evil in the sight of the L o r d , according to all that his father had done” (2 Kings 24:9). Because of his sin, the Lord permitted the king of Babylon to come and take him, his mother and his wives to Babylon as captives. There Jehoiachin was put in prison and was not able to get out. After many years in prison, an­ other king came to the throne of Babylon and the new king treated Jehoiachin differently. The first year this king reigned we are told he “ . . . did lift up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah out of prison; And he spake kindly to him, and set his throne above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon; And

Nations in the past have come to great power and then have fallen and passed away. If we make this

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roll of paper into a telescope, perhaps it will help us to see why nations rise and fall. (Lift the word “nation” and pull the center down.) Letters are appearing on the outside of the tele­ scope. Ordinarily we look on the in­ side of a telescope but this one has something on the outside. You will notice that the word “nation” is ris­ ing. Now we can read the words: “Righteousness exalteth a nation.” When the people of any nation live righteously, the nation is exalted. Let us see if the telescope will tell us why nations fall. We will put it back together. (Pull the center up and let the word “nation” go down.) Again letters are appearing on the outside of the telescope but they are not the same letters we saw the other time. The word “nation” is going down. Now we can read the words: “ Sin is a reproach to any nation.” We have a good example of these truths in 2 Kings 23 in the lives of Josiah, a good king, and Jehoahaz, a wicked king. A L o o k a t a L o c k OBJECT: A large padlock. LESSON: Look at this large padlock! A door locked with this should be se­ cure. Padlocks can be used to give peace of mind or they can be used to perplex a person, depending on which side of the lock a person is located. For instance, a man might have some valuable things locked in a room

changed his prison garments: and he did eat bread continually before him all the days of his life. And his al­ lowance was a continual allowance given him of the king, a daily rate for every day, all the days of his life” (2 Kings 25: 27-30). This treatment of the new king sounds like what Jesus has done for us — He took us out of the prison house of sin, gave us new clothing — His righteousness, and feeds us daily.

Hey, Young Person, You’re YOUNG ONLY ONCE Read what DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, outstanding youth authority, says about "Secrets of Fun and Success** Paper. $2.00 Cloth, $2.95 A ZO N D ERVAN PUBLICATIO N »DE8 FROM YOUR 8QOKSTQ8I

The King's Business/November 1957


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