King's Business - 1957-11

“ M y Intermediate class was the problem class of the church. N obody wanted to tackle them . . . nobody but me. I had watched them grow up and loved them all. I began with an intriguing lesson by Scripture Press. As soon as I started using ALL -B IBLE GRAD ED LESSONS I had no discipline problems.”

p p p p | Send information on Scripture Press ■ • Sunday School lessons: N am e..................................................................... Address...................... ........................................... City.....................................Z on e........State........ Church Nam e.......................................................

Scripture Press All-Bible Graded L e sso n s help the pupil in every area of his life.

M rs . J. C. B urdick Union City, Tennessee

Address Position in Sunday School

MEN - MACHINES - MESSAGE - The Pocket Testament League is mobilizing men, machines and ma­ terials in an all-out effort to get the Gospel message to the millions of people in Southern Africa.

PTL has been given official per­ mission to preach the Gospel and dis­ tribute Scriptures in all the Bantu schools, “ locations” and compounds of South Africa. TW O M I L L IO N G O S P E L S F O R S O U T H A F R I C A H I The Pocket Testament League Gospel Teams

■ ■ Trucks equipped with high power public address systems ■ ■ The cooperation of mission boards and missionaries ■ ■ The help o f national pastors and workers

YOUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS WILL MAKE THIS ONE OF OUR LARGEST AND MOST IMPORTANT CAMPAIGNS TO DATE. Write today for free illustrated Quarterly. Alfred A- Kunz, International Director The Pockieti Testament/ League ? H O N E C K . S T R E E T ' • .. , E N G L . E W O O D * * H E W J E R S E Y


The King#s Business/November 1957

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