Keeping Communities Healthy
& Giving Back cOntinUeD...
a fast turnaround time and the same level of service typically offered to higher social classes. “At Helix, our main goal is to bridge that healthcare gap. We want to ensure that those underserved communities have access to the latest and most advanced tests in the market.” This includes three new-to-the-market tests in one: COVID, flu (A&B), and RSV, to fight the current triple demic. And she cares. “When we talk about building communities, we have to focus on the overall health of the community. Here at Helix, the tests we offer provide results. It’s important to know where you're at, to know where you're going.” Speaking of healthy communities, Helix also does its share for those in recovery. “We do drug tests—we work with many rehabilitation centers.” Helix tests not only for illicit drugs but also works with doctors to ensure patients taking prescribed medications are not abusing those drugs. Jessica’s ultimate goal? “I want to inspire young black and brown boys and girls through my story because you can't reach the people if you're not where they're at.”
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