D omestic

Violence LeBryan Sperling, COO and DV Coordinator

W orking with his father, Charles Sperling, in domestic violence intervention, LeBryan Sperling is a facilitator responsible for coordinating the scheduling and reporting, stating that this department is his passion. LeBryan started out as an

only appropriate response is a law enforcement judicial response.” But what about the milder cases—the screaming, throwing things, pushing, and shoving? LeBryan shares that these are learned behaviors and, in many cases, can be overcome. LeBryan believes that anger management and family violence intervention should go hand in hand. “The unspoken victims are oftentimes children. How do we him because he acts this way. However, that male goes on and can cause that same damage to someone else. That woman—that mother— goes on with that damage and has to figure out how to mend the pieces. A lot of this is done without assistance. Here’s where we come into play.” And studies have shown that in 40 to 60 percent of domestic violence, substance abuse is involved. STAND h a s seen up to 74 percent. LeBryan believes all potential aspects of DV should be treated. do what's best for those children? It's easy to say she should leave

investigator. Disturbed at seeing so many abused women, he joined the Marshall service. “I spent my days waking people up and putting them in jail for what they had done to their significant others. . . I took pleasure in being the defender of the weak.” However, driving

them to jail, he soon discovered a pattern with the perpetrators— that often, they

themselves had suffered abuse. “And, if left untreated, the violence would transfer to the next relationship and the next.” Screening DV participants for past abuse, STAND discovered that 93% of those clients had experienced violence or trauma, and 60% also reported post-traumatic stress symptoms. What if the men were treated instead of incarcerated? “Of course, for extreme actions, the


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