American Consequences - August 2019


EMF to cause a tumor. Since cellphones weren’t available to the public until 1984, that means 2014 hit the 30-year mark. So we expect to see rates of brain cancers grow in the coming years. EMF’s effect on our health is a growing problem we still don’t fully understand. I covered it in-depth in my report, “How to Protect Yourself From Your Cellphone and Other Devices: The EMF Radiation Protocol.” In it, I discuss what EMF does to your body and how to protect yourself. Subscribers of Retirement Millionaire can read it right here . If you aren’t a subscriber, you can sign up with our latest offer right here . If you haven’t already, I challenge you to unplug for a while. Try to spend a day without your cellphone. Then up it to a weekend. If you can’t disconnect entirely, try to be more mindful of the time spent on it. You may not develop horns, but cell phones can and do cause real and dangerous health problems. That’s why I suggest taking a few precautions like using a blue-light filter and reducing your time spent in front of any and all screens.

3. EMF RADIATION FROM CELLPHONES DOES MORE DAMAGE THANWE KNOW. A few studies suggest that EMF radiation can alter DNA. Remember, DNA is the building block of all our cells. It’s formed as a double helix that unwraps itself to make copies when the cell divides. But that process of copying, called replication, can lead to errors. Adding in certain carcinogens increases the chances of those errors. And those errors lead to cancer. Since RF radiation is a form of energy, scientists have studied how DNA interacts with energy... specifically electron transport. In simple terms, some bonds within a DNA helix emit electrical charges. As such, DNA can conduct electricity. In fact, when exposed to certain charges, DNA splits open and begins to replicate. We’re now beginning to see that some frequencies, including those in EMF, can cause this splitting. The problem is, there aren’t any long- term studies on EMF and cancer. And as one team of researchers wrote in 2011, it can take about 30 years for exposure to


American Consequences


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