had promised a son when Abraham and Sarah were nearly 100. What grounds are there for confidence? Yet, Abraham was fully convinced God wouldn’t have promised him if He hadn’t meant what He suggested. This is what faith is all about. Then, Abraham’s faith was con versant with the problems. “He did not weaken in faith when he con sidered his own body now dead, when he was about 100 years old, and he did not weaken in faith when he considered the deadness of Sarah’s womb.” This saint of old moved straight through his problems with faith in God. Abraham knew he served a God whose speciality is bringing life out of darkness. While he is conversant with the problem, he doesn’t concentrate on it. While carefully evaluating it he looks straight through to a God who is adequate for every need. His second problem was that Sarah’s womb was barren, as it had been for many years. Humanly speak ing, th is was an insurmountable problem. Again, however, he knew his God could call into existence non existent things. Abraham recognized the problems as opportunities for his God to specialize. This is exactly what faith is all about. There’s a difference between irresponsibility and faith. Some people just do not face up to facts. Abraham’s faith carefully evaluated the problem, and rejoiced in God’s ability. The third aspect of Abraham’s faith was that there was progress. Verse 20 tells us, “He staggered not at the promise of God through un belief.” The word translated “stag gered” here is the same James uses and which is translated “wavered.” One who wavers is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed. Do you know anyone who has this kind of faith; up one minute and down the next? Sometimes it even sinks out of sight together. Abraham grew stronger in faith as he gave all the glory to God. Too often we fail to
follow this vital pattern. To be sure, there will be delays, awkward ques tions, nagging doubts, and supersti tious fears; yet, instead of sinking under them, Abraham was consis tently strengthened. Lastly, he was convinced of the promises. He was fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was able also to perform. Maybe you are saying, “Oh, I wish I could be like Abraham; I wish I had that kind of faith.” Don’t keep on wishing—do something about it. You’re a long way ahead of Abraham as far as God’s provisions are concerned. If Abraham could produce this kind of faith without the revealed written Word of God, what kind of faith ought you to have in a God who has given us so much more through the Bible, as well as in the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ? We can only be saved by faith, but re member, we can only live the Chris tian life by faith. Are you ready for this type of faith? THE BIBLE IN THE SCHOOLS I'd like to see the Bible placed Where the Bible used to be, Upon the top of the teacher's desk For every child to see; I'd like to hear the teacher say, As my teacher used to do: "Before we work or play, dear ones, I want to read to you." I'd like to see the teacher stand Before the class began And lift with reverent care the Book That makes God's purpose plain, And ere the youngsters went to work. I'd like to hear her voice Repeat those words of truth and faith That makes one's soul rejoice. Yes, I'd like to see the Bible placed Where the Bible used to be, I'd like to hear it read aloud In the schoolroom of the free. I want my children taught to know God's matchless gift of love, The Book of books is wisdom's gate To that bright home above.
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