Biola Broadcaster - 1967-12

parables and pearls (AS FEATURED OVER "T H E BIOLA HOUR")

sive. Agitation, struggle, fretfulness keep them from enjoying contentment and satisfaction. The real-problem is a conflict of wills between God and man. Our will is so often motivated by ig­ norance, agitation and selfishness. Too generally our desires are merely to sat­ isfy our own personal gains. Conflict for the believer may be resolved by prayer. But keep in mind, intercession is not a. lever by which we foolishly seek to force God’s will into line with our own. It’s not a bait by which we lure the Almighty to do what we ask. It is an act of communion and fellow­ ship with the Lord by which we bring our will into conformity with His. Are you willing to surrender to His divine providence and purpose in all things? Only in this manner, even amid con­ flicts, can we be more than conquerors through Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. * God often shuts every door about us, but He never shuts the door above us. NO FEAR OF DEATH When we’re enjoying good health, “the valley of the shadow of death” holds no fear or foreboding. When sickness comes, however, the heart quickly can be gripped with panic and alarm. A Christian doctor was calling on a patient who was very ill. Although the sick man knew the Lord, he was concerned about what feelings he might have should this be his time to go. As the godly physician sought words of comfort, he heard a strange scratching at the door. Opening it to see what was going on, his faithful dog, who rode with him in the car, bounded in the room. Somehow, it had jumped out of the automobile and wanted to be with its master. What an eager show of gladness the dog gave the kind doctor. Turning to his patient, the physician 16 * *

THE DANGER OF WORRY Do you ever worry? I suppose i f 8 one of the easiest things to do. Yet the Bible reminds the Christian that he is to pray about everything so that he will have anxious thoughts about noth­ ing. Scripture tells us that “perfect love [a love for our Lord Jesus Christ] cast- eth out fear. How many broken hearts and frustrated minds there are because of anxiety. A Johns Hopkins doctor says that people who worry die much sooner than now-worriers. He’s right, for to live by worry means the ulti­ mate destruction of the body, as well as a withering of the soul. God desires for us to have faith, not fear. One of Spurgeon’8 pointed sayings was, “I f an ant came to the door of your granary begging for help, would it ruin you to give him one kernel of your wheat? Of course not. Keep in mind that you are but a tiny insect standing at the door to God’s all-sufficiency. Don’t doubt His sure supply.”Have you asked Him? You know, the Lord only takes care of those burdens which you, by faith, de­ posit with Him. * * * Your simple responsibility is to do your duty and then leave the rest with God. * * * CONFLICT OF WILLS Oceanographers tell us some interest­ ing things about the sea; for instance, off the coast of California there’s a spot where two strong currents meet. Wa­ ters are constantly churning in con­ flict. Of course, before being properly marked, the area was a navigational nightma/re. Many a ship with its crew has been lost in the murky chaos. The thrashing of the waves never ends. Danger lurks all the time for those foolish enough to get near. There is an interesting spiritual parallel to this for many go through life in constant turmoil. Rest and peace seem so elu­

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