asked, “What do you think of a dog like mine? He’s never been in this room before and had no idea what was in side. The only thing he was sure of was that his master was here. That’s why, when I opened the door, he sprang in without fear.” What a practical illus tration! As Christians, we know little of what is on the other side of death except that it will be glory and bless ing. Of one thing we are positively as sured: our Master and Saviour is there and that’s enough. When the door to death opens, we can pass through it triumphantly, without fear, for to be with Christ is far better! Even so, come, Lord Jesus. * * * Some people grow wise; others merely grow older. * * * COMFORTING OTHERS Have you ever felt discouraged or depressed? These are some of Satan’s clever tools to defeat the Christian. It should be our desire to live victoriously, as well as to provide encouraging strength for those in spiritual need. Without over-simplifying the situation, it’s so true that those who live close to the Lord have the insight into His purposes. In Genesis we read how that, after being wrongfully accused, Joseph was thrown into prison. Still there’s no record to indicate that he complained or made himself obnoxious to fellow- prisoners. In fact, just the opposite was true. Remember the two men from the king’s palace who each had dreams? Scripture shows that while oppressed himself, Joseph showed them sym pathy. He asked, “Why look ye so sad ly?” This word of compassion just seemed to unlock their hearts. Fortu nately, Joseph wasn’t so swallowed up in his own troubles that he became blind to the signs of another’s need. He wasn’t slow in trying to comfort them. When you stop to think about it, the tendency is for grief to make us selfish and bitter. In reality, the Lord desires that these things should make us tender-hearted and quick of hand to help others in need. The blessed truth is that we win comfort for our own sorrows by offering solace to those who need to be shown compassion. Remem ber the little couplet, “In every pang that rends the heart, the Man of sor
rows has a part." A s the Psalmist de clared, “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him” (Psalm 25:11). * Nothing is great without God and noth ing is small with God. * * * * * 1. Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labor of love, for her willing hands and happy heart translate duty into privilege and her labor becomes a service to the Lord as well as to her loved ones. 2. Blessed is she who opens the door to welcome both visitor and well loved friend; for gracious hospitality is a test of true Christianity and spir itual stewardship. 3. Blessed is she who mends stockings, toys, and broken hearts; for her under standing is a balm to those in real need physically and spiritually. 4. Blessed is she who scours and scrubs; she knows that while cleanli ness is important, it reminds her that forgiveness of sins in the human heart can only be made possible through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. 5. Blessed is she whom children love; for the love of a boy or girl is more to be treasured than fame or fortune. 6. Blessed is she who sings at her work for music lightens the heaviest load and brightens the dullest chore. 7. Blessed is she who dusts away doubts and fears, sweeping out the cobwebs of confusion; her faith, in Christ will triumph over all adversity, and her patience of hope will be re warded by the Lord. 8. Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles with every meal; for her buoyancy of spirit is an aid to mental and physical digestion. She knows that the Bibles says, "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine." 9. Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of the Christian home; for hers is a sacred trust that crowns her with dignity and results in her hus band's praise, and her children aris ing and calling her blessed. BEATITUDES FOR A CHRISTIAN WIFE
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