happens to a soul when it dies. I realize that a believer goes to be with the Lord. Is he conscious of that and are his feelings any differ ent than they will be when he has his resurrected body? What happens to an unsaved person? Does he ex perience torment even now before the judgment? I f hell is not now occu pied, is man in more or less animat ed suspension?” A. When a person dies, his body goes to the grave. If he is saved, his spirit goes to be with Christ. If he is an unbeliever, his soul goes to the abode of the wicked dead, or hades. Hell, or the lake of fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels, is not now occupied. First the anti christ and false prophet will be con signed there; then the devil, and after that the lost following the Great White Throne Judgment. All those who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ in this life will be con signed there for all Eternity. The unbelievers today in hades do experience feelings. Luke gives us the account of the rich man and Lazarus which indicate that. It can be likened to the position of a man who is jailed for a crime. He waits in the prison until his trial, follow ing which he is consigned to the penitentiary. Q. Paso Robles, Calif. -— “I’ve been con fused by I Corinthians 10:2 which says, ‘And were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.’ Does this mean that there is a dif ferent baptism that Moses practiced other than the one which the Lord followed?” A. Paul is using experiences from the Old Testament to point out im portant truths. In Moses’ time there was no such thing as baptism as we know it today or even in the New Testament. Hebrews shows us how for cleanliness. Look at Leviticus 13, 14, and 15. This passage means that by being washed these people came
often quote these verses from Mat thew, completely overlooking the oth er side of the picture in John 7:24. Q. Sacramento, Calif. — “My job re quires me to work on Sunday. Yet, at my age, I can hardly look for an other 'position. I’m afraid I’d lose everything and not know what to do.” A. People are sometimes very incon sistent. There are some positions which do require Sunday employ ment. Going for a drive on the Lord’s day may cause a service station at tendant to work. Eating out in a res taurant will cause a number to have to be on the job. Do that necessary work as unto the Lord. Take other time off for rest and Bible study. The Lord knows all about your situation. He understands the predicament in which you find yourself. People who criticize may be doing things far more offensive in the sight of the Lord. Q. Whittier, Calif. -r— . “Why was the sun created on the fourth day when the Bible suggests that light was created on the third day? Is there light in the world other than the sun? This has been confusing to our family in our devotions.” A. The light from our sun is solar, while the other is cosmic light. There is an orderly progression throughout the book of Genesis. This scientists are ready to admit. God saw that there should be separation between light and darkness so that His crea tion could be seen. Read the interest ing note on the first page of the New Scofield Bible, an excellent statement. The sun and moon were created in the beginning. While light came from the sun, it was diffused by the vapor. Cosmic light was on the first day, whereas the light ever since on the fourth day has been solar. Q. Bakersfield, Calif. — "I would like help on your interpretation of what
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