God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Now note these next words: “For we are his workman ship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” So it is in this fashion that we confess our faith. The whole epistle of I John is built around this idea. We can know for ourselves by our conduct whether our faith is genuine or not. There are three key words to the Epistle of I John. The first one is LIFE. The other two are LIGHT and LOVE. These are used sixty-six times in this epistle. They are used eight-six times in the Gospel of John. But whereas the Gospel of John pre sents the light as Christ coming into the world, the epistle shows how that light is manifested in the life of be lievers. That God has given us eternal life
means of identifying the true be liever. Other portions of the Bible teach this same truth. For instance, James says: “What doth it profit, my breth ren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?” (James 2:14). He is not say ing here, “Is that faith that which saves?” but “Is the faith that does not have works the kind of faith that saves?” Then he goes on to show that the person who has saving faith will exhibit that faith in the kind of life he lives . Paul, in writing to the Ephesians, gives the same truth. Sometimes we quote Ephesians 2:8, 9, but fail to recognize what verse 10 says. Let us look at them together: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of
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continuing the Lord’s ministry at BIOLA. The B iola B roadcaster , a publi cation consisting of messages, poems and illustrations given on the B iola R adio H our , is mailed automatical ly each month to the members of the B iola F ellowship . You may become a member of this F ellowship by simply filling in the information below and mail ing it to us.
The B iola F ellowship P lan was inaugurated to include all those who have been blessed by the ministry of BIOLA and who have a desire to invest in this work of the Lord on a regular (monthly basis). Con sistent, faithful giving by God’s people enable us to carry on the many diversified ministries God has blessed since the school’s founding in 1908. The amount of your gift is up to the individual ; faithfulness in giving is what is most helpful in
with God."— I Corinthians 3:9
"For we are laborers together
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