Biola Broadcaster - 1967-12

A s we studied in our last message together, we sought to point out the way by which man becomes re­ conciled to God. The result of this reconciliation follows quite naturally and beautifully for this should al­ ways cause rejoicing. Of the basic reasons for this abounding life, I would like to share four ideas from Romans 5:1-11. We read in verse two that we are to rejoice “in the hope of the glory of God,” “in tribulation” (verse 3), in divine provision (verses 9-10), and “we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (verse 11). First of all, are you rejoicing in your future prospects? Do you have a confidence that one day you shall share in all the glory of God’s per­ son and provision, spending all of eternity in His presence? This is not something you hope will happen, but that about which you have real con­ fidence. There are many people in the world today who are terrified when they think of the future. They have no real conception as to what tomor­ row holds, to say nothing of eternity. One can sympathize with them for they fall into the category about which the Bible speaks saying they are without God, without Christ, and without hope. What a dark and bleak picture! For them, the future only promises the possibility of more problems and difficulties. This is on a personal as well as a national and an international level. Consider the moral disintegration we find on every hand and one can understand why a person without Christ is terrified of the future. This is certainly not true with an individ­ ual who has been reconciled to God. He will experience the rejoicing life. He has the glorious confidence of one

day spending all eternity basking in the glory of God. The entire reason for rejoicing in the midst of a per­ plexed generation is that you might share with them the secrets of your peace and tranquility. Are you doing that? One unfortunate charge leveled against Christians is that they aren’t involved in what is going on today. As the old adage suggests, “They’re so heavenly minded that they’re no earthly good.” Perhaps it is true that some believers spend all their time rejoicing in future prospects all the while ignoring the present situation. Can you rejoice in present prob­ lems ? How strange that some folk have the mistaken concept that Chris-

Finishing touches havebeen put on different areasof the new Student UnionBuilding on the Biola Campus. Twoof the maintenance men are pictured completingmail boxes. On the left is ShirlMansfieldand, right, Blair Felder. We thankCod for dedicated men who work behind the scenes to make the school an even more efective ministryfor Christ.


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