tians have no problems. In truth, a believer frequently will have more than his share of troubles. Romans 5:3 shows how it is possible to glory in the worst kind of pressures and hardships. It is sad to say that some times when these forces are brought to bear upon a Christian, the result has been that his faith is almost squeezed out of existence. He will too readily capitulate to the circum stances that seek to weigh him down. What are the pressures that are being brought to bear upon your life? Did you know that these tribulations are glorious opportunities for you to learn to rejoice? I realize this state ment is easy to make, and an entire ly different thing to put into practice. If you believe the Bible, however, you will be tremendously impressed with the fact that trials are but one link in the inevitable chain of events which ultimately, as the Holy Spirit works within us, will bring that kind of assured hope which will cause us to rejoice before those who know not Christ with an assurance rather than a fear. You see, pressures re produce endurance. When an athlete is training, he must endure all sorts of hardness, regardless of the sport in which he is involved. He knows that such discipline will bring tough ness and stamina. Even so, if a Chris tian can understand that tribulations and pressures are intended to pro duce in him a greater capability for facing up to what God’s demands are in his life, he is on the road to true rejoicing. Experience here sug gests the athlete who enters the race and who is approved because of the patience with which he faced the trials of training. When the Bible refers to hope, the meaning is confidence. So, see this wonderful chain of events. We re joice in present problems because these pressures produce endurance which brings “approvedness” because we have passed the test. This results in confidence for we have discovered
that the Lord has been absolutely adequate for our every need and is more than capable of bringing us through each difficulty of life. In this manner, we can face the next test, not with fear, but in confidence, a confidence borne wholly in a God who is adequate for each one of these needs. How revealing and tru e these words of Scripture for confidence doesn’t make people ashamed. Yes, “hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our G O D 'S P R O M IS E S When days were dark and the nights were drear, What was it that dispelled thy fear? God's gracious promises. When fortune beamed its sweetest smile, What kept thee humble all the while? God's precious promises. When friends and neighbors proved untrue. What gave thee hope to start anew? God's faithful promises. When in the throes of deep distress, What helped thee in thy helplessness? God's mighty promises. When tempests rose and would not cease, What calmed thy heart with perfect peace? God's wondrous promises. — W. M. Czamanski hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Here th e Bible teaches us that a Christian is a per son in whom the Holy Spirit dwells doing that which is wonderful. He sheds abroad in our hearts a con sciousness that we are loved of God. This is His continual teaching min istry. God knows perfectly well what He is doing. Because of this, we can readily look at the next test facing us, knowing that we have the en durance for it. Are you living the re conciled, as well as the rejoicing life? 6
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