complete is God’s revelation and truth for us. You see, in that God dealt with your past and secured your eternal destiny, He has also won- drously provided for your todays. Think of the things we should be saved from today: temptation, in dwelling sin, yes, even ourselves. So many dangers we stupidly rush into head long. We are saved by His life. This is not talking about a human being saved by a crucified Christ. It is talking about people being saved by a risen Christ. Is yours a Chris tianity which rejoices in a past for given, an eternity secure, and in the knowledge of a full adequate provi sion for every day's need? If you do know these things, you will be one of the happiest people on the face of God’s earth. You will rejoice con tinually in His divine provision. We are also to joy in God. Some of us seem to be like children at a Christmas party who love to have the presents from Dad, but as soon as the day is gone, have little time or interest for him. How sad that there are those who treat the Lord like that, even though they may have good intentions. Have you ever taken the time to rejoice in God’s person? Are you delighted in the very fact that the Lord is real, vital and thrill ing to you? Are you a rejoicing per son? If so, it will be obvious to the world, your world, wherever it might be and be exhilaratingly happy. Peo ple soon will be watching you and will get interested in this Christian ity of yours. Remember, that the re conciled life is intended to lead to the rejoicing life. * * * The poorest man in the world is the one whose onlywealth is computed in money. ★ * * A SUPREME SACRIFICE On Biola’s Bible tour overseas the middle of this year, it was awe-inspir ing to see such things as the works of art in the famed Louvre at Paris. The story is told about one statue which had been created by a very impover
ished artist who did all his work under the most adverse circumstances in his unheated, tiny, one - room apartment. One night when a sudden cold, gripped the city, the craftsman, afraid that the moistened clay of his nearly finished statue would freeze and crack, got up and carefully took his own bedclothes and blankets to enshroud it with warmth in the fireless room. The next day, no one having heard from him, a check was made. Neighbors were hor rified to find the elderly artist dead, but his work was preserved. Have you ever thought how the Lord Jesus Christ gave His life for us: worthless clay whom He fashioned into a crea tion bearing His oum likeness. Seeing our danger of eternal ruination by sin, the Lord gave His life on the cross. He covered us with His perfect robes of divine righteousness through eternal life. The Scripture assures us, “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor that ye through Hispoverty mightbe rich.” * * w Those who spend time on their knees will have no problem standing on their feet. * * * UNITE IN LOVE Nature provides many unusual re minders if we only heed them. Travel ers tell us that there is an ancient mon astery in Germany which has hanging on its wall two pair of deer horns in terlocked hopelessly with each other, in separably entangled. Apparently nei ther could move and soon both helpless creaturesperished. Iwonder if it wouldn’t be well to have those horns on display in some churches or even in some homes? They might well remind us of the dangers of always fighting and bickering, generally to have our own way. How sad that some people seem to feel that they have to be right. They’re ready to lock horns with some one else at the least little provocation. Oh, how we need to be united together in Christian love, in honor preferring one another! Scripture rightly enjoins us, “Look not every man on his own things (his own desires), but every man also on the things (spiritual needs) of others.” Let us be of one mind and of one accord in Christ. 8
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