Abraham God was the source of all life. When one has a God like that, the intelligent thing to do is to trust Him. There is no danger in having a reckless faith in Him. Abraham’s conception of God was vast. As a result his faith was equally vast. We are intended to have this kind of implicit trust. Do you? If you’re going to live the reigning life, the rejoicing life, the reconciled life, and enjoy the “reckless life,” it must come through faith. I t is said of Abraham, “who against hope, believed in hope” (verse 18). Since there was absolutely no reason for confidence, Abraham was overwhelmingly confident. The Lord
S OME OP THE most wonderful and practical illustrations anyone can use are those which are derived di rectly from the Word of God. In Ro mans 4:17-23 we have an important lesson concerning faith, based on the patriarch, Abraham. Of all the per tinent things this saint can teach us — perhaps the greatest concerns the aspect of faith. The Bible clearly shows us that we are saved by faith, we stand by faith, we walk by faith, we overcome by faith. Consider any area of Christian life and you will see this basic prin ciple of faith. We are enjoined to have this same kind of faith Abra ham had. If we are going to live what we might call the reckless life, it is going to be by faith. Let us profit by what Scripture tells us concern ing Abraham’s faith. One can’t help but notice that it was based in the Lord. To give a broad outline for this section, we would suggest, Confidence in a Person, Conversant with the Problems, Consistent in Progress, Convinced of the Promises. The important thing about faith is not so much its volume as it is its object. The important thing about faith is upon what we base it. All exercise faith of some type. Men have faith in their automobiles, in the air they breathe, in their favorite restaurants, generally in most any thing. When it comes to faith in God, people seem to think that’s different. Basically, however, it’s the same. The difference is in the object. Their problem is they don’t have a small faith, but faith in what to them is a small God. The One whom We serve is not of this type whatsoever. This portion of Scripture says He is a God who quickens the dead and calls into existence non-existent things. To
Two of Biola's staff members have’ their sons atending the school this year, both of whom were presidents of theirrespective high school student bodies. From left to right is Allen Carden, last year's president of theLa Mirada High School student body. Next to him is his father, Mr. William L. Carden, director of AdmissionsforBiola Colege, todd Lewis, former president of Neff HighSchol student body, is with his father, Mr. VernonLewis, a member of the Biola Collegefaculty. We thankGod for the high caliber of young people whom the Lord is sending to Biola for preparation in His service.
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