Social and Environmental Responsibility Report

First Responders Help Save Lives Skateboarding accidents are by far the most common cause of injuries to students on Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Daytona Beach, Florida campus, said Emergency Response Team Chief Mary Ellis. Ellis should know. Now a senior Air Traffic Management student at Embry-Riddle, Ellis broke her leg during her second semester while learning to skateboard. She received help from highly trained student volunteers

Launched in 2005, the student- directed team has run 1,700 calls since 2010 when formal record-keeping first began, Ellis said. Of those calls, 649 individuals were transported to a hospital, either by ambulance (214), by Campus Safety (297) or by a friend (138). During academic year 2019-20 – a typical, pre-pandemic year – the ERT responded to 231 calls.


ERT responded to 231 calls during academic year 2019-20

with the Med Club, now known as the Emergency Response Team (ERT).

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