Social and Environmental Responsibility Report

Unsurpassed Culture of Safety

As one part of the SMS, Embry-Riddle’s flight department has earned the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) Stage III registration. IS-BAO is a comprehensive safety audit encompassing all facets of the flight operation including but not limited to flight training, standards, emergency response and aviation maintenance. The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC), headquartered in Montreal, Canada, determines whether a flight operation has met IS-BAO standards. Embry Riddle is the only collegiate flight training organization to achieve IS-BAO Stage III registration.

“Embry-Riddle goes the extra mile to ensure the safety of its students and employees,” said flight instructor Tyler Rispoli. “Our culture

of aviation safety is unsurpassed.” The safety designation reflects that

Embry-Riddle consistently goes above and beyond safety requirements set forth by the FAA, said Bob Joyce, director of Aviation Safety for the university’s Daytona Beach Campus. Dr. Ken Byrnes, chair of the Flight Department on the university’s Daytona Beach Campus, noted that Embry-Riddle’s attitude toward safety cultivates personal responsibility in students.

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Easing Airport and Ramp Congestion

Eagles who responded to a survey said that transparent reporting in aviation safety, institutional integrity and institutional oversight are important.

The additional ramp will promote efficiency, and further, “It was the safe and socially responsible choice for Embry-Riddle,” Northrup said.

When our Prescott, Arizona Flight Department was faced with very rapid growth, Chair Parker Northrup and colleagues looked for ways to expand capacity while avoiding congestion, upholding safety standards and preserving the student experience. The team assessed multiple solutions until they hit upon one that achieved all safety, operational and student-experience goals. Specifically, the university decided to rehabilitate an abandoned portion of ramp space that was not co-located with the Flight Department’s main ramp. While refurbishing the abandoned ramp required an investment, this solution promised to reduce operational risks as well as aviation fuel burned by aircraft parked in a high-density scenario, explained Flight Department Chair Parker Northrup.

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