parables and pearls
way in which God’s Word is vindicated so forcefully, yet it’s helpful to know that we have our trust placed firmly in a Book which never will deteriorate or fade away. Just recently, one of our nation’s leading medical doctors de clared that God’s instructions to Moses for the children of Israel were excel lent. The advice was perfect to avoid a heart attack. In Leviticus 7:28 and 2U we read, “Ye shall eat no manner of fat, of ox, or of sheep, or of goat. And the fat of the beast that dieth of itself, and the fat of that which is tom with beasts, may be used in any other use: but ye shall in no wise eat of it.”' The physician interestingly comments, “It is conceivable that a few years from now we medical men may repeat to the citizens of the United States the advice Moses was asked by God to give to the children of Israel so many years ago.” Dr. Paul Dudley White, well-known h ea rt specialist, adds, “Rest and relaxation should be given more importance. Religious hab its practiced in earlier days, calling for periods of meditation and fasting, cer tainly would help to keep blood pres sure down.” As important, however, as this physical diet is, there is an even more imperative word given to every individual concerning a restful spirit. Isaiah rightly declared, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trust- eth in Thee.” * * * Joy is multipliedas it is divided with others. * * * NON-ESSENTIALS Often our days are taken up with details which seem so unimportant. As a result, opportunities, projects or that which we really want to accomplish
DEPTH DECEPTION It is interesting to hear of those who endeavor to set deep-sea diving rec ords by attempting to go far beneath the ocean’s surface. Not too long ago, one such sports enthusiast attempted to set a new world’s record using only oxygen tanks strapped to his back. Somewhere, about 500 feet down, all trace of him was lost. His body was never recovered. Rescuers explain that when a diver gets just so far below the surface, he loses all sense of direc tion. In other words, he can’t tell whether he’s swimming up or down. The con fu sed diver probably kept swimming toward the ocean’s floor, thinking he was coming up to safety. What a terrifying situation in which to find oneself. Spiritually speaking, however, there are a great number of people making this same fatal mis take every day. The Bible reminds us pointedly, “There is a way that seem- eth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death.” You see, it is entirely possible to think you are as good as the next person, just as deserving of heaven, yet in actuality, you are still heading down and not up. If you have never come to God through the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, you have no possible hope of eternal life. He alone could say, “I am the door; by me if any man enter in he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture.” * God's people ere not without trial, nor without their God amid the trial. * * * AVOIDING HEART TROUBLE It is amazing how science is just be ginning to catch up with the Bible. While we needn’t be surprised at the * *
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