PANEL DISCUSSIONS witb Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
other false view is known as “thresh old evolution.” This states that God created a number of forms of life. Out of these, varieties and various developments within the species have come forth. This turns its back on the creation of God as it is explained in the first chapters of Genesis. We here at Biola hold firmly to the crea tion view of the origin of things, exactly as revealed in the inspired and inerrant Word of God. Sometime ago, a popular weekly periodical published a series of wide ly-advertised articles on evolution. When the first article in the series appeared, there was a long list of men of earned degrees who sub scribed to what was going to be put forth as truth, “scientific truth.” It was quite an article. Over 50 times words like these appeared: “We may suppose,” “it would appear,” “possi bly,” “probably,” “it would seem,” etc. When one has to establish his so-called facts upon assumptions like this he then ceases to be scientific. He has gone over into the realm of speculation. Evolution remains un proven and is a false hypothesis of man who is not willing to accept God’s Word for the origin of life. On the other question concerning the languages in which the books of the Bible were written, we know that there were books written in Hebrew before, during and after the captivi
Q . Phoenix, Ariz. — “Some day, could you briefly explain evolution? Why are some professing believers ac cepting evolution as fact? Also, my minister says that the first books of the Old Testament were written in Aramaic. I thought the books before the captivity were in Hebrew, then in Aramaic, and the New Testament in Greek. Really, what languages are used in writing the Bible?” A. To answer the first part of this question and not over-simplify the subject, evolution may be explained by saying that all life comes from preceding life by natural generation. This rules out any supernatural ori gin whatsoever (which would in clude the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, and as a matter of fact, it actually rules out God Himself). In the final analysis, evolution leads to pure atheism. A professing Christian who accepts evolution as a fact is a poor misguided soul. Those who call themselves theistic evolutionists are merely trying to hang on to a bibli cal theology with one hand and “so- called” scientific evolution with the other. They declare that God creat ed matter in the original form, but since then it has evolved into the many different types of life as we know them today. We repudiate this concept here at Biola. True science and the Bible are never at odds. An
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