Biola Broadcaster - 1966-12

ministry from start to finish. These two portions give us two different phases of the same glorious trans­ action. Q . Vancouver, B.C. — “In Matthew 5:25 Jesus told His disciples to agree with their adversaries. How can we agree urith someone when we know he isn’t right?” A. This portion is taken from the Sermon on the Mount, as the Lord interpreted the law of Moses and taught the spiritual truths enbodied in it. In each case, every command­ ment, except for the fourth, was placed on an even higher plane of truth and responsibility. The situa­ tion concerning your question does not necessarily refer to that which is truth or error. The matter sug­ gests that it would be better to find some point of agreement or reckon­ ing so that the situation could be set­ tled out of court. If there is any opportunity for reconciliation this should be sought out. Q . Chelan, Wa*h. — “Why is the word, ‘he’ not capitalized in Psalm 121, verses 3, 4 and 7? Doesn’t this refer to the Lord?” A. Yes, it does have reference to the Lord. This is sometimes called “The Traveler’s Psalm.” The King James Version does not capitalize the per­ sonal pronouns referring to deity. The New American Standard Ver­ sion of the New Testament is now published and does have these im­ portant words capitalized. This was not the custom when the King James Version was translated. Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, dean of Talbot Theo­ logical Seminary, has served faith­ fully on the committee, revising the 1901 American Standard Version. Q . Albany, Ore. — “Ho’w could sin enter the world if God made every­ thing?” 28

international counterpart is the lib­ eral group known for its ecumenical efforts which we here at Biola com­ pletely repudiate. We do not believe it is sound doctrinally. Leaders of the NCC make pronouncements for Protestants which do not represent the conservatives at all. They as­ sume a leadership of all Protestant­ ism which is not theirs.

Biola student Richard Buhler (left), member of the Biola male quartet stands with his mother (center), wife of Dr. Henry Buhler, pastor of the Acacia AvenueBaptist Church in Hawthorne, and Mrs. wife of the pastor of the Church of the Open Door. Dr. Buhler formerly worked with Dr. McGee at an earlier pastorate.

J. VernonMcGee,

Q . Portland, Ore. — “Can you help me to understand John H :6 and 6:4b? Are these contradictory? They seem that way to me.” A. The Bible clearly tells us that God is the source of all knowledge. He is omniscient. There is nothing He de­ clares which could be contradictory. John 14:6 asserts that there is only one way to find God and that is through His Son, Jesus Christ. Christ is the avenue, the channel, the bridge, between God and man. At the same time there is another truth. In John 6:44 we see that no one can come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ except God the Father, who sent the Saviour, draws the be­ lieving heart to Him. All of the God­ head is blessedly and energetically active in the salvation of any soul. The work of salvation is a divine

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