A. The Bible teaches that God is sovereign and Creator of all things. Keep in mind, however, that God did not make anything evil. Genesis the first chapter gives us this clear understanding. The entering of sin and evil into the world came only permissively by God. It was certain ly not His perfect will. This does not mean in any sense, however, that God didn’t know what man was go ing to do. He was allowed a free choice between good and evil. God, of course, knew man’s ultimate choice. The proof of this is that the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, was slain before the foundation of the world.
the fact that our reference is to the legal right one has. At the same time, we cannot but feel that min isters have an infinitely higher call ing than spending their time march ing in picket lines or other demon strations. A pastor's responsibility is to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, whereby salvation may be presented to the lost. He is to build up saints in our most holy faith by the use of the Word of God. We feel that a minister is turn ing aside from the high calling wherewith he has been called if he indulges in this sort of activity. Q . Laguna Beach, Calif. — “What is meant by the prophecy that the moon will be turned into blood, as quoted from Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12. Will man have to go to the moon to cause it to be turned into blood?" A. If man ever does get to the moon, and whether God will allow it or not, we do not know, his ability to turn the moon into blood will be no more likely than his changing it into green cheese. There would be bloodshed, you can be sure, if unredeemed man ever got there. The prophecy is taken from Acts 2:20, quoted from the minor prophet Joel. This is just as explicable and understandable as the fact that the Lord will clothe the sun in blackness. He can change it any way He wants. This portion, how ever, has nothing to do whatsoever with man’s puny abilities. The lights of the firmament were from the very beginning of creation. They were in tended by God as signs in a coming day of either His pleasure, where we read that the sun is going to be brightened many times in its light and brilliance, or when He darkens it as at Calvary. Here He showed the heinousness of sin. Further, we see God’s displeasure when He hid His face from our Lord Jesus who was made sin for us. God did this with these heavenly bodies making them as signposts to what He is and
Seated at the radio controls, Mr. Al Sanders, vice president of public relationsfor Biolaand director of "The Biola Hour," adjusts the re cording level on some of the equipment which is used in the production of the daily half-hour series. Mr. Sandersand hiswifehave been work ing with the radio ministrysince 1952. The BROADCASTER is a compilation of materials which are used each month over "The Biola Hour."
Q. San Francisco, Calif. — “What do you think of ministers and other re ligious leaders marching in picket lines or other demonstrations of a peaceful sort?” A. We believe that everyone in this free nation, regardless of his busi ness or profession, has a right to express his views in a peaceful man ner. In saying this, we underscore 29
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