There is much now to see in the life of Asher that we should desire to emulate for ourselves. What a transformation is clearly noted in hik life. Can it be seen in our daily existence, too? God grant that it may. W H A T IS A F U N D A M E N T A L IS T ? A fundamentalist is one who adheres to the Bible as being the totally and inerrantly inspired Word of God. The modernist takes a completely different view concerning the Scriptures. The fundamentalist holds that the Bible is the Word of God, while the modernist simply states that the Bible may con tain the Word of God. The fundamen talist firmly avows that Jesus Christ is the Son of God in a sense in which no other is. The modernist feels that Jesus Christ is the Son of God in the sense that all men are. The fundamentalist earnestly contends that the birth of Jesus Christ was nearly natural but that it doesn’t really matter. The fun damentalist holds that the death of Christ was for our salvation, while the modernist believes that the death of Jesus was simply exemplary. The fundamentalist declares that man is the product of special creation, while the modernist feels that man is no doubt the product of some form of evo lution. The fundamentalist unequivo cally states that man is a sinner fallen from original righteousness, and apart from God’s redeeming grace, that he is hopelessly lost. The modernist simply states that man is the unfortunate vic tim of his environment, bu t th a t through self-culture, he can make him self good. The fundamentalist is rightly assured that man is justified by faith in the atoning blood of Christ. The re sult is supernatural regeneration from above. The modernist will visually say that man is justified by works in fol lowing Christ’s example. BIOLA is not only evangelical but also fundamental. We do not believe that these great cardinal doctrines need to be rethought, but rather Biola’s position is to reaffirm them. Will you join us in earnestly contending for the faith, once for all delivered to the saints? 9 * * ¥
was to Asher and to his other breth ren. Yes, Asher finally knelt. In his pro phetic dream, Joseph said he would do it three times but Asher did it five times. He readily admitted his guilt, weeping w ith sorrow and shame. What a picture this is of each of us who seek Christ’s for giveness! This is the reason for the vast change in Asher’s life and why Moses, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, could write about him this way. We need more Ashers who will kneel to the Lord, putting their faith, trust and confidence in Him. It was said of Asher that he should be made acceptable to his brethren. How sad that there are so many divisions among Christians every where. The devil has an easy time talking against the church, the Bi ble, and the Christians where they can never get along with each other. Asher was not to be finding fault and criticizing all the time. How we need to be acceptable to God’s dear saints. We must know the Holy Spirit or we won’t be the kind of believers we should be. He wants us to walk with Him, acknowledging His ownership and authority in our lives. All of us face rough roads, regardless of our circumstances in life. We need the covering for our feet that Asher was promised. Think of wearing such shoes! Rocks, stones and broken glass will never bother us. We are to walk in the Holy Spirit every where we go, leaving behind the footprints of His presence. Asher was promised strength for his days. God doesn’t give dying grace until that specific moment. We won’t have grace to withstand temp tation until the time of need. Bread will not be supplied until we have hunger. Our blessed Lord does things just at the right time. As our days, regardless of how difficult they may be, He is there to meet the need. There may be tears, sorrows, griefs, or trouble, but our blessed Lord is a refuge in the time of storm.
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