2023_Calendar & Annual Report

MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR Welcome to another great year in Pearland, and what a time to be here! Whether you are new to our community or your family has been in Pearland for generations, we’re glad you are here and hope you are as excited as we are for what 2023 will bring. Over the past year, we have continued to build and maintain this amazing and diverse community in a positive direction with essential City services and lifestyle features you have asked for as members of the Pearland community. We opened a new fire station, an add-on to the Shadow Creek Sports Complex, the West Pearland Library and broke ground on our first all-inclusive playground. And, 2023 will continue our evolution with an intentional focus on delivering our promise–making Pearland “The Community of Choice.” Being “The Community of Choice” has a lot of depth in meaning. We’re not only a community where community members are free to make choices, but we are consistently a community where people choose to live, work, and play. Living this phrase doesn’t happen by accident. Through all levels of the organization, we invest significant time discussing the priorities that are important to our great community, the clearly defined initiatives that support these priorities and the measurable efforts (down to the individual contributor) that make these initiatives a reality connected to the annual budget and long-term plans. I strongly encourage you to participate in as many of our public meetings and events as you can–whether in-person or watching online–so you can see the passion and commitment we bring to work in everything we do for the Pearland community. You should be proud of the community you have chosen and the professional and elected team members that make Pearland “The Community of Choice.”

KEVIN COLE Mayor, City of Pearland

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