The Lakes South Morang College Newsletter PRINCIPAL REPORT
expectation. This is actively being reinforced with our student results and achievements. There is no doubt that the majority of students and families have jumped on board with our intent and appreciate the changes to both the structures and focus of our College. This is evident through student results through NAPLAN, teacher judgements, VIA, student leadership and sport; collaborations at events and discovery interviews; meetings between students and staff; publications including Aspire; and presentations at transition tours/ information days – all demonstrative of the progress and achievements that underpin our expectations these days. Most students are standing up to lead the charge. This is extremely pleasing and a testament to your efforts as adults, parents and carers. Your role modelling and commitment to our College learning programs, combined with our messaging, both visual and literal for calmer classrooms, lower noise levels, explicit expectations and positive behaviours/SWPBS are paying dividends in spades! Finally, we all know that there is considerable work to be done in our efforts for school improvement. We will continue to plan together, consult effectively and proactively with our vibrant community, invest in targeted resourcing and build the blocks that will continue to both define our College as a school of choice and a centre of educational excellence that we can all be proud to be a part of moving forward. We have lot ’ s going for us and together with Marcus and Bonnie, our wonderful Campus Principals, we are looking forward to the next phase of our development and growth, and meeting ALL of the goals that we originally set in our 2022 strategic plan. Semester One Assessment & Reporting: This is a busy time for both staff and students as lots of hard work and determination culminates with CATS, SACS and Exam completion. Support your child ’ s increased workload over the next few weeks at home by providing a conducive study space, enabling them to prioritise school work; assisting with organisation, proof - reading of tasks and so on so that your child feels that the learning journey is shared with you; and demonstrating strong empathy towards their immediate needs which is very important. Attitude To School Survey: Our Year 4 - 12 students are required to complete the DE survey at school. This takes approximately 45 minutes and will be used to determine how our cohorts feel about their school environment, particularly in areas of academic performance, ability to perform at their personal best, accessing suitable learning resources and relationships with teachers and peers. The survey mirrors the Parent/Carer and Staff Survey which are also crucial and critical reflections of College performance. Thank you to the team of staff and to all the students for completing this year ’ s survey with honesty and conviction. Semester 2 Timetables: Staff allotments are being finalised for Semester Two. There will be some changes as a result of changes in staffing, predominantly leave, and electives/lifestyles rollover. I believe that we will be ready to publish new student timetables towards the end of this Term so students are ready to go for next Semester. Fortunately, we will be able to commit to our full curriculum program, excursions/incursions, sports, performing arts and camps. This is a wonderful achievement and comes on the back of our dedicated staff who have come forward to assist with changes to their time fractions and part - time days, which in many cases impact their own personal arrangements with their own children. New Basketball Court - Primary Campus: Please adhere to the instructions regarding student access and safety across the front of Gordons Road and the top playground area in the immediate period. Whilst we are all excited to have this project completed, it will take some time so everyone needs to follow the safety instructions at all times. We will also be sending correspondence regarding pick up and drop off procedures from the gate at Gordons Road. Yard Duty teachers will be extra vigilant and Secondary Learning Coaches will remind secondary students who walk or ride past the Primary Campus that there are works and safety procedures in place and to be extra careful.
Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for your support. It is much appreciated.
Mr Panas College Principal.
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