During Inquiry, our Year 6 students have been investigating some key questions about the ‘ Journey of a Product ’ where they investigate the journey of a particular product from production to distribution and then to consumption. This investigation has been supported by students being immersed in activities related to the 'needs' and 'wants' of society and how they help determine what Australia imports and exports through the Port of Melbourne. Year 6 students understanding of Economics has extended into Digital Design where they have worked in teams to plan and design a product or service to promote a Zoos Victoria campaign through social enterprise. Teams will sell their product or service to Prep to Year 5 students in Week 10 for Dojo points. As students complete their CATs in English and Maths their results will be published via Compass Learning Tasks.
On Friday 24th May 35 Enterprising Female VIA Students from Years 7 - 10 sat down to change the world. They took part in a 1 day design challenge presented by Young Change Agents to ideate solutions to '"How might we reimagine the Future of Food?" From a fridge that would minimise wastage and suggest meal ideas to accessible Aquaponics systems and a social enterprise cafe that created meals for the needy as well as providing musicians with a performance space the ideas were truly inspiring!!
Teachers on the Secondary Campus have successfully begun publishing student assessments via the Compass portal. Learning tasks such as CAT ’ s/SAC ’ s and SAT ’ s are assessed by teachers and returned to both students and parents/carers with completed rubrics, an overall mark and comments. This information should be read carefully and used to set goals for further improvement. These marks will also be included in end of Semester reports to enable a wholistic view of a student ’ s performance in relation to Victorian Curriculum level progression or the successful completion of VCE units. Additional assessments are undertaken at different points throughout units to enable teachers to have a clear picture of students learning needs in relation to the specific area of study at the time. Teachers then plan learning programs accordingly, rechecking students progress through the use of summative assessments.
Reports for Semester 1 will be accessible via Compass and be available at the following dates:
Primary P - 6: Wednesday 26th June
Secondary 7 - 9: Wednesday 26th June
Secondary 10 - 12: Friday 19th July
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