Collective Action Magazine Edition 3. June 2023

If whitespace allows us to enter such a profound space and delivers both personal and work benefits, what then stops us from creating time for it? We live in a culture of urgency where everything must happen "NOW." The demands to help others in the social justice space are massive, and we find ourselves in a frenetic frenzy of performance and delivery, constantly in fight or flight mode. Juliet poses four questions to help you question what is on your plate and challenge the underlying driver, allowing you to start making small changes and creating whitespace:

Is there anything I can let go of? (The need to control). Where is "good enough" good enough? (The problem of perfectionism). What do I truly need to know? (The issue of indecisiveness). What issues deserve my attention? (The problem of focus).

When we start to calibrate urgency, space begins to appear—a space for contemplation, reflection, and being deliberate.

RESOURCES Funt, J, (2021), A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work, HarperCollins. white-space/

This is a Christian YouTube video that walks you through a whitespace exercise. Not sure if you want to use it or have it as a link. The one minute pause app

June 2023 | Collective Action Magazine


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